I have a question regarding the Biometric data appointment in Lima. I wasn't able to book an appointment mid December 23 because they were already full and no new appointments for January 24 were available. I checked again on the second of January and now the appointments for January are there but all are unavailable.
Is this to be expected or are they just not yet available?
- This commment is unpublished.@PhilHello Phil,honestly, I don't know if the appointments you can see now for January are already taken or if there is a problem with the appointment system (some other official websites have similar issues at the moment).I would try again a few times over the next days and if still nothing changes, you might want to contact Migraciones and ask what's going on. I haven't heard anything about Migraciones being super busy at the moment, so there should be a free appointment available. Usually, you can get an appointment for the biometric data within a couple of weeks.Sorry, I couldn't help.GreetingsEva
- This commment is unpublished.@SunflowerThanks, now some appointments opened up.And also a big thanks for this page. It was immensely helpful!!!Just as a side note. I didn't get the password for the buzon until I now made the appointment for datos biometricos (like one month after).But I was able to go to the buzon and request a new password with "Olvidaste la contaseña".
- This commment is unpublished.@PhilHello Phil,that's great news. So, it seems that the system had a hiccup over the turn of the year.Usually, the username and password for the buzon is printed on the bottom of the confirmation of your application. I never heard that you get the password only after making the appointment for the biometrics. That's interesting. Did they send you an e-mail? Or how did you receive it?And yes, in case you don't get the username and/or password for the buzon, the Olvidaste option is great and usually works fine. I explained it in our Buzon article.Anyway, I'm happy that you now have an appointment for getting your biometric data taken and hope from now on everything works smoothly.All the best.GreetingsEva
- This commment is unpublished.@SunflowerWhen I finished my application I downloaded the pdf which contains my application number. This pdf only had one page and there is no password at the bottom. Not sure if I had missed saving another pdf.The pdf I was able to download now after making the appointment is called:FORMULARIO PA - CAMBIO DE CALIDAD MIGRATORIAIt contains information about me, a declaración jurada and at the end of page 1 a field to be signed by me. On the second page it contains my username and password to login to the buzon.
- This commment is unpublished.@Phil Some feedback on this.
I'm leaving Peru for a short travel and needed the permiso de viaje.
For that I also needed the verification code which I thought I missed because I didn't get that pdf after finishing the applciation.
So I tried to make a cita de video llamada. Best is to be really fast at exactly 08:30:00 AM it opens. So I was in the queue at place 6, it got down to place 2 but then started to switch from place 2 to 3 for like 10 minutes and then from place 1 to 2 for 10 minutes. Then a window came saying establishing connection and then a small pop up on the bottom said it failed and I should try again in a few minutes. I waited 30 minutes with the establishing connection window open but nothing happened. So I canceled and tried again now in queue number 150. When it got down to 6 again 1.5h later I lost connection and had to try again. Some hours öater I again got to the windows with establishing connection but again it didn't work. I tried one last time but didn't make it until 5pm when they close. So on the next day I tried again with the same issues. (I used chrome browser on a PC, but I think it's a problem on their side).
Disheartened I checked again my documents and actually found the code!
I got it after making the cita biometricos in the document called FORMULARIO PA - CAMBIO DE CALIDAD MIGRATORIA.
It is on the first page at the bottom right.
So I went to the agency again and applied for the permiso de viaje, which was done in under a minute.
Thanks again for you page!