As I have not exceeded 183 *consecutive* days this final trip, and will return to Lima in early December, do you think I will be ok to return with my residency status still valid?
Any insight greatly appreciated. Thanks. Neil.
In Peru, a residence visa, so the permit allowing you to live in the country (not the carné, the card), is usually valid for only one (1) year and then must be extended. Since the introduction of the Migraciones online platform applying for the renewal of your residence visa is a straightforward and quick process.
Content Overview
Lots of foreigners living legally in Peru are often not aware that there is a difference between the expiration of their carné, the card, and the expiration of their residence visa, so the permit allowing them to live in the country. When they first get their carné they find on the carné, among other dates, the Caducidad and think that’s the date until they can be in Peru and completely miss the point Vencimiento Residencia.
In this context we highly recommed to read our glossary article "Carné de Extranjería - Peru’s ID Card for foreigners". Be aware that the Caducidad is the date your carné, so the card itself, expires (not your residence visa!). The card is usually valid 4 years (minors 3 years) or 5 years in case of permanent residents and then must be renewed. Our article "Renewal of the carné" explains how it's done.
The Vencimiento Residencia, however, is the date your residence visa expires. Unfortunately, it’s not printed on the card anymore and you have to check online. You can do this either by scanning the QR code on the back of your carné, by using this direct link or on the Agencia Digital in the left menu on the main page under Consultas en Linea, subpoint Carné de Extranjería.
Usually, the residence visa is valid for only one (1) year; in case of a family visa based on marriage with a Peruvian two (2) years. So, even though your carné (the card) is still valid, you must renew your residence visa every year (or two). Without a valid residence permit your carné, even though still valid, isn’t worth anything.
You can apply for the extension of your residence visa up to 30 days before it expires. We highly recommend applying for the extension of your residence visa on time as otherwise you are charged a hefty fine of 1% of an UIT (equals S/ 51.50 in 2024) per day (!) you extended after the expiration date and jeopardize your residency. And you must be in Peru to apply for the extension.
Since the introduction of the Agencia Digital applying for the extension of your residence visa is a simple, straightforward, and quick process, which is the same for all visa types, just the requirements differ.
You can find the official requirements for extending your residence visa on the Peruvian government website under Prorroga de residencia segun calidad migratoria (just choose the residence visa you have). As the website isn't always up-to-date you can as well check in the current TUPA.You find the requirements:
Both options are, of course, in Spanish. So, below we list all requirements translated into English.
Being here in Peru for at least a year now, you know that things change quickly and Migraciones seems to enjoy modifying the Agencia Digital and requirements for all sorts of applications without prior notice. Therefore, to avoid not having a document still or again required or before moving heaven and earth to get a document that’s not needed anymore we highly recommend checking first on the Agencia which requirements really have to be uploaded (just follow our step-by-step application guide until 2nd page) and there verify the requirements by clicking through the tabs. Once you finished just leave the page.
If you want to apply for the extension of the family visa for a minor, the application process is the same as described below (enter the Agencia with the carné number of the child!), just the requirements differ (for example, payment must be made under familiar residente para menores, the birth certificate is needed and the parent applying on behalf of the minor must enter a few personal information).
Pay the fee of S/ 20.20 for the Migraciones administrative procedure “Prorroga de residencia” under code 07566 on or at a Banco de la Nacion branch. As you are already in Peru for a while and paid other fees, you know how the systems works; if not check again in our article "Paying administration charges and processing fees in Peru".
Then make PDFs (max size per document 3MB) from required documents (not necessary for the payment receipt).
Once you have done all the preparation work, open the Migraciones Agencia Digital and click on Entrar.
On the next page, select "Extranjero". Then choose in the drop-down menu Carné de extranjería and enter your carné number. Click on Validar and complete the other fields (birth date, date your carné was issued, nationality, last time you entered Peru and the Captcha). You can as well select passport and enter requested info.
Before starting the actual residence visa extension application, you first should, if not already done, update your personal information.
Choose in the left menu on the main page the point “Actualizacion de datos” which brings you to the Sistema de Actualicación de Datos page. Here select option 2 Actualización de datos - Otras Calidades and fill in required fields. At the end of the process, you get the code for having updated your personal information. Keep it safe as you will need it just now.
Now in the left menu on the main page of the Agencia Digital click on Prorroga de residencia. A submenu opens showing your current visa type. Click on it and you are redirected to the first page of the Prorroga de residencia application.
Select the Migraciones office which should handle your application (for example, Lima, Cusco, Arequipa, …). In the second field enter your Actualización de datos code and click on siguiente.
If you skipped updating your personal information, click on the link below the field, which brings you to the Sistema de Actualicación de Datos page and fill in required fields as explained above.
Here you must fill in some data and/or upload for the residence visa renewal application necessary documents as PDF.
Those who just want to verify the requirements or double check if the requirements have changed can do so on this page. Then just click through the tabs and once you finished leave the page.
To continue with your residence visa renewal click on the little arrows next to each requirement, and certain fields appear depending on the requirement. Just fill in the fields as requested and upload the corresponding document.
Under “Pago por derecho de tramite” you are asked to enter certain information of the bank receipt
After entering the requested info click on Validar.
Under Documento de Identificación, choose the document with which you entered the country, in most cases this will be pasaporte. Enter the passport number, date and country of issue and upload a PDF of your passport.
Depending on your visa type you must upload other required documents under the additional tabs.
Once all documents are uploaded, accept the terms & conditions and click on siguiente.
You then get to a page showing the fields of the Form PA - Prorroga de residencia already filled in with your personal data. The only fields you can change here are your cell phone number and your e-mail address. If everything is correct, click on “Guardar datos y generar tramite” (Save data and generate procedure).
You now get the "Solicitud de prorroga de residencia" displayed on your screen. That's the confirmation of your successful application for the renewal of your residence visa. Download and/or print the document and keep it safe (if downloading isn't possible, make a screenshot of the complete page, don't miss the second page)!!!
At the top right of the document under the bar code you find your Numero de expediente (file number), which sometimes is also called Numero de tramite. At the bottom of the first page, under the signature / fingerprint field, the Fecha de publicacion (application date) and a Codigo de verificacion (verification code) are shown.
If you later want to check the status of your application online, which can be done here, you will need these numbers / codes.
On the second page you find your login data for the Buzon electronico.
According to Migraciones the processing time for the approval (or denial) of the residence visa extension should only be 5 business days, however, usually, you get the notification of the extension in your Buzon within two to four weeks. So, check your Buzon regularly to not miss anything.
And just as a reminder, if you didn't get a notification, you can always check, if your residence visa was already extended either using this direct link or on the Agencia Digital in the left menu on the main page under Consultas en Linea, subpoint Carné de Extranjería.
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