Peruvian immigration app and automated passport control

Pre-Registration at Peruvian Immigration before arrival

Pre Registro Migraciones App and using an E-gate (automated passport control system) when arriving in Peru

Since October 2020, everyone traveling to Peru by air is asked to pre-register his or her arrival in the country on an app. As pre-registered travelers don’t have to proceed to an immigration counter upon arrival but can use the automated passport control system, the so-called E-gates, to clear immigration, this novelty at Jorge Chavez International Airport reduces contacts and is supposed to be more efficient and timesaving.

At least, that was the plan when the system was installed in 2020. When we entered Peru in mid-September 2021, the E-gates were closed and everyone had to proceed to an immigration counter. And today (September 2022), a year later, the automated passport control machines are still not working.

Update October 30, 2022: Yesterday the Peruvian immigration authority Migraciones announced that the 12 automated passport control machines at Jorge Chavez International Airport are gradually put back into service and another six new ones are ordered. So, over the next few weeks, travelers should be able to use the E-gates when entering and leaving Peru.

While at the beginning of 2021, the app was easy to download and in most cases worked perfectly, since mid-2021, many travelers have problems to download the app or fill in required fields. Let's hope that with the re-opening of the E-gates, Migraciones improved the app as well.

If downloading the app or filling in required fields doesn't work, don't worry. For now, pre-registering is not obligatory.


How does the pre-registration work?

Pre-registering your arrival is a super simple process. Actually, you are just doing the job the Migraciones officer would do when you enter Peru.

Step 1 - Download the app

First, download the app “Pre Registro Migraciones” on your mobile device. It’s available in the iOS App Store and Android Play Store.

Pre registration Migraciones app Peru
Download the Pre Registro Migraciones app available for iOS and Android 

Step 2 - Open App

Then open the app and enter the captcha.

Step 3 - Scan your passport

You are now asked to focus the camera of your device on your passport and scan the lower part of the page with the personal data. If, for whatever reason, this doesn’t work, you can enter your personal data manually and at the end must take a picture of the page with your personal data.

Pre registro Migraciones app Peru
The Pre Registro Migraciones app asks you to scan your passport, as shown in the picture. If this doesn't work, you as well can click on the bottom right to enter your personal data manually.

Step 4 - Check your personal data

Thoroughly check if your personal data appearing on the screen is correct. If yes, confirm; if not, it’s crucial to correct the mistakes before confirming.

Confirm personal data pre registration Migraciones Peru
Please check on the Pre registro Migraciones app that your personal data was scanned correctly; if not, correct mistakes before confirming

Step 5 - Scan QR code

Scan the QR code of your boarding pass.

Scan boarding pass - pre registration migraciones peru
Now the Pre Registro Migraciones app asks you to scan the QR code of your boarding pass

Step 6 - Take a selfie

Take a selfie. After that, the app generates a QR code.

QR code automatically generated by the Pre registration Migraciones app
The Pre Registro Migraciones app generates a QR code which you can show the immigration officer at the airport

Be aware that each person should pre-register even minors and that Migraciones asks to do so in the 48h before arrival.


Arriving in Peru

Once arriving at the airport, those who pre-registered can (but aren't required to) proceed to the automated passport control machines, where the by the app generated QR code is scanned and your passport and face compared to the entered data. Your entry is only registered in the Migraciones database (see our article about the TAM and TAM virtual) and you don't get an entry stamp.

This could cause problems for tourists, especially those who later want to apply for a resident visa in Peru (a copy of the entry stamp is one of the requirements, however, most probably a copy of your TAM virtual will be accepted). Additionally, as the passport control machines only check the passport, foreign residents of Peru should hope that their passport and carné are correctly linked and must make sure to not enter as a tourist.

Anyway, as long as the system is new and barely tested and we don't have any reliable information on how "special cases" are handled, we recommend not using the automated clearing of immigrations but proceed to an immigration counter.

Those who couldn't get the app running or don't want to pre-register must proceed to an immigration counter and clear immigrations conventionally.

Welcome to Peru!

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    Colin · 16/10/2022
    I'm trying to enter a UK mobile phone number which I've entered as country code 00 city code 44 then the 10 numbers in contact cell number, but the system has red lined the ten numbers with maximum 15 characters. Any ideas as to what the problem is?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 16/10/2022
      @Colin Hello Colin,

      the country code for the UK is 44 (not 00). Then in the city/area code field just enter the first two digits of the ten numbers and in the number field the remaining eight. Should work with no problems.

      If you need more help, check out our article Health declaration for entering Peru where we described in detail how to fill in the form.

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    Hailey · 30/09/2022
    Hello! I am travelling to Peru in November from Canada. I can't quite find a firm answer - Are 2 doses of the vaccine acceptable to enter Peru as "Fully vaccinated" or are 3 doses required? And if 3 doses are required, is there a time frame on when it need to be given by? Thank you!!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 30/09/2022
      @Hailey Hello Hailey,

      You can’t find a firm answer, as there is none. Unfortunately, the Peruvian government didn’t make the requirements for visiting foreigners foolproof.

      First of all, in Peru the term “fully vaccinated” isn’t used for many months anymore; we just have first, second, third and now already fourth dose.

      Anyway, according to the current Covid regulations (Supreme Decree 118-2022-IN) non-resident foreigners (visitors) must present proof of being vaccinated according to the “vaccination scheme” of their home country (see article 4.3).

      So, if being vaccinated with two doses of a vaccine against Covid is enough in Canada (which I don’t know), then you are vaccinated according to the “vaccination scheme” of your home country, fulfill the corresponding article of Peru’s Covid regulations and can enter Peru with no problems. If being vaccinated twice does not comply with the Canadian regulations, you need a negative PCR test to enter Peru.

      However, even though if two doses are fine in Canada, I highly recommend getting in contact with the airline flying you into Peru. They may have other policies in place and, despite the Peruvian regulations, might request either proof of a third dose or a negative PCR test to let you board.

      And no, there is no time frame in which you must have received the shots.

      In our article “Covid entry requirements and regulations for Peru” you find more detailed information.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Hailey · 03/10/2022
      @Sunflower Thanks for the information Eva!!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    John · 20/08/2022
    Hey there,

    Really appreciate all the great info here, thank you so much! My wife and I traveling to Peru on September 1st, and it just dawned on us that my wife's passport is in her maiden name (Smith) and her vaccine card shows her married name, which is her maiden name hyphenated with my last name (Smith-Allen). Is this something you've encountered in the past and is it an issue? 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 20/08/2022
      @John Hello John,

      Thank you so much for your nice words.

      Even though Peruvians are extremely strict with the slightest discrepancy in names, I personally think you shouldn’t have a problem as you are entering as tourists and your wife’s maiden name is still part of her married name.

      If you want to make sure that there is no rude awakening at the check-in counter where the passport and vaccination certificate might be checked as well, best ask the airline what they have to say about it.

      Have a great trip to Peru

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    Lana · 12/08/2022
    I did this app 4 times, It ends each time with “no se ha realazado el registro” which is a useless error from a useless app, all of which is just wasting time and effort. 
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      • LimaEasy
      · 12/08/2022
      @Lana Hello Lana,

      Yes, as described above many travelers have problems to download the app, fill in required fields or complete the process successfully. And as mentioned above as well pre-registering is not obligatory. So, if it doesn’t work, just leave it. The only two things obligatory are vaccination certificate / negative PCR test and the health declaration form.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Jess · 24/07/2022
    Hi Eve!

    My husband and I are traveling to Peru on Friday. We go our boosters today (Sunday) because we didn’t realize Peru considered three doses “fully-vaccinated” in some areas. We’re flying into Lima, going to be traveling domestically by plane and train, and doing normal tourist activities. My husband is over 40, I am not but actually will be by the end of our trip. Should we have an active (under 48 hours) PCR test on us at all times during this trip or will with two doses a year ago and third booster dose (under 14 days since administered) get us by?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 25/07/2022
      @Jess Hello Jess,

      For quite a few months there are no special rules for over 40-year-olds anymore in Peru and according to the Covid regulations there is no “fully vaccinated”. Now, we have rules for the age groups 12- to 17-year and over 18 as well as 1, 2 or 3 shots.

      Peruvians and foreign residents 18 years and older must present a vaccination certificate proving they had 3 doses of a vaccine against Covid. see Supreme Decree 069-2022-PCM, article 4.4)

      Non-resident foreigners (visitors) 18 years and older must present proof of being vaccinated according to the “vaccination scheme” of their home country (see Supreme Decree 069-2022-PCM from June 12, 2022, article 4.4)

      Those not vaccinated according to their age group wanting to enter Peru, take a bus or travel by plane in Peru can present a negative real-time COVID-19 molecular (RT-PCR) test result that is not older than 48 hours after being issued. 

      You find more detailed information about the current regulations in our article Covid entry requirements and regulations for Peru.

      And there is no regulation that a vaccine is only accepted 14 days after it has been administered either in Peru anymore. It doesn’t matter when the 3rd shot was administered; it can be yesterday or a year ago.

      So, having proof of being vaccinated 3 times is more than enough to enter and travel in Peru. You do not need a PCR test for anything. However, airlines flying you into Peru might have other regulations in place.

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    Tomas33 · 19/07/2022
    hello.  i am coming to travel in Peru in the end of July.  by Norway i am full vaccinated (recovery +1dose). my Covid19 certificate is valid all time (auto continues). Do i need a negativ PCR test before enter?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 19/07/2022
      @Tomas33 Hello Tomas,

      Peru doesn’t have a recovery status and doesn’t accept recovery certificates. So, according to Peruvian regulations, you are vaccinated just once which doesn’t fulfill the requirements. See our article “Covid entry requirements and regulations for Peru”.

      While you could argue that you as a non-resident foreigners (visitors) 18 years and older have proof of being vaccinated according to the “vaccination scheme” of your home country, I fear this won’t work. So, yes, I think you will need a negative PCR test result to enter Peru.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Stephanie · 09/06/2022
    Am I able to use a photo of my proof of vaccination, or a printout of a photo to enter the country? 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 09/06/2022
      @Stephanie Hello Stephanie. To be on the safe side you should either have the original or a digital version of it. You might run into issues with a picture of the vaccination proof. If you have no other choice, make sure that the picture is of high resolution and everything can be read clearly. 
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    rose harrington · 19/05/2022
    HELP!!! Pre-registration is impossible because LATAM will not issue a boarding pass until you check in at the airport. Will LATAM airlines help us fill out the form at check-in? I completed health forms but they dint ask for a copy of my Vaccination card!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 19/05/2022
      @rose harrington Hello Rose,

      as mentioned in our article above, pre-registration is not obligatory. If it doesn't work or if you can't fill in required fields on time, so be it. Don't worry about it. 

      Obligatory however is the health declaration form. And no, when filling in the form, they don't ask for your vaccination card. Have the health affidavit and your vaccination card on hand when checking-in and when entering Peru.

      Have a nice trip.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    LGandSr · 20/03/2022
    If understood correctly, the instructions for pre-registration using the APP Migraciones states that the info be submitted 48hrs prior to arrival and Scanning the QR code of the boarding pass.  Unless it means within 48hrs prior to arrival, there is no way to get a Boarding Pass but only 24hrs prior to departure of a flight. ("Customers may check in for their flight up to 24 hours prior to departure using jetblue.com").  Can you clarify interpretation of the 48hrs timing requirement?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 20/03/2022
      @LGandSr Hello,

      It's within 48h prior to your arrival. So, you can pre-register the earliest 48h before you enter the country or up to 48h before you come to Peru.

      And yes, even this doesn’t really make sense, as you can only do the online check-in 24h before your flight and only then get your boarding pass. But the time range from 48h before arrival to arrival in which every passenger should pre-register was determined by Migraciones. So, the only thing I can say is Welcome to Peru and its bureaucracy.

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    Marta Reis · 25/02/2022
    I miss the 72hours deadline to submit the Health declaration.
    How can I do it, now?
    Someone can help us?
    Thank you in advance. Regards
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 26/02/2022
      @Marta Reis
      Hello Marta,

      there is no 72h deadline for submitting the health declaration! You can fill in the form in the time frame from 72h before arrival in Peru and checking in to your flight (so within 72 hours before coming to Peru). See our article Health Declaration for entering Peru.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    maurice merlin · 16/01/2022
    Dear Thank You for your quick response!

    It was very good the information.

    I have another question, u will be able to
    help me. 

    My strategy will be to ask always
    for this permisson evry year,
    so that i can stay more then days i was abroad. 

    But dont know it does work.

    Here my Situation.

    I got the status rentista on 08/26/2021. I can stay abroad for 183 days without a permit, right?

    But for what i do need then this permission?
    I was thinking to get this in case , they do cancel my flight because of covid.

    For example:

    From 08/26/2021 to 08/26/2022 I should be in Peru in 183 days.

    If o do translate the spanish text to german
    im getting confused.

    Autorización de estadía fuera del país por ciento ochenta y tres (183) días calendario consecutivos (para residentes excepto Residente Permanente

    This means if i ask for the permission 183
    it means i can stay more than 183 in
    abroad? But i that point im confused because
    this means i can stay, defacto 1 year abroad?

    This is my Move History

    Emission Extranaro Card: 26.Aug.2021

    Exit 31.10.2021
    66 Dias: 2 Month, 4 Days.

    Entry:              30.11.2021

    Exit:                 26.03.2022

    118 Days.

    Total = 184 Days.

    Entry: Next ?

    Dont know because of Covid they
    can cancel the fllight.

    Thank You

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 16/01/2022
      @maurice merlin
      OK, the point is that foreigners living on a resident visa in Peru have to be in Peru at least half a year, otherwise they will lose their residency; this means they can be outside the country for no longer than half a year. The application for the authorization isn't granted automatically; it is intended for foreigners in case of an emergency or force majeure only and can be denied or granted.

      If you apply for the authorization, you apply to stay outside longer than 183 days without losing your residency. You have to explain yourself and / or attach some sort of proof why you have to stay abroad longer than 183 days. If granted, they might allow you - depending on the case - to stay outside Peru 1 additional month or 3 or 4. It's completely up to Migraciones .

      I'm not sure, if trying to apply for it every year will work.


      P.S. If you prefer to continue our conversation in German (my native language), you are welcome to send me a message through our Contact form.

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    maurice merlin · 16/01/2022
    Dear i have the rentista Visa so, i have to fill mark the permenant check box on the form?  Which is the one for 365 Days. I checked the form. Im rentista but dont know is this permenant? Because have to buy a different code. I happy for any advise!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 16/01/2022
      @maurice merlin
      Difficult questions you have for me. Peru differentiates between temporary visas (for short-term stays up to one year), residence visa for long-term stays (more than one year) which you usually have to extend after one or two years and permanent visas (after three years on a residence visa you can apply for the permanent visa and doesn't have to extend anymore).

      People on a resident visa can only stay outside Peru a max of 183 days per year, on a permanent visa you can be abroad 365 days.

      The exception to this general rule is the rentista visa, which is a resident visa but doesn't have to be extended and is valid for an indefinite period; allowed time outside Peru 183 days. Before Corona there have been discussions to allow rentistas to be outside Peru 365 days, but I'm not sure (and couldn't find it anywhere), if this was changed or not.

      With this being said, I personally think that the rentista visa is still a resident visa (the new foreigner law from 2021 still clearly states "rentista residente") and you have to check "Autorización de estadía fuera del país por ciento ochenta y tres (183) días calendario consecutivos (para residentes excepto Residente Permanente)" on the form.

      When looking for clarification on that matter, which was in vain, I however found out how to apply for the "Autorización de estadía fuera del país para residentes". It is done through the Agencia Digital (you don't have to go to Migraciones, I was wrong in my answer below). So, first pay the S/ 173.80 under code 07562 on pagalo.pe. Then enter the Agencia and fill in your personal data on the first page. Then click on the "Mesa de Partes Digital" and choose "Trámites TUPA". There choose "Permiso especial para permanecer fuera del país más de 183 días sin pérdida de residencia". Enter your personal data, the requested numbers from the payment receipt and upload required documents. Within 30 days, you get the resolution. Check you Buzon electronico regularly as Migraciones might ask for additional documents.


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    maurice merlin · 16/01/2022
    Dear I will probably be out of Peru for more than 183 days. Do I have to ask for permission, can you please tell us how? With Pagalo codes and so on.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 16/01/2022
      @maurice merlin
      Hello Maurice,

      do you have a resident visa in Peru? If so, yes, you have to ask for permission to leave the country for longer than 183 days (365 days for permanent residents) otherwise you will loose your residency.

      The tramite is called "Autorización de estadía fuera del país" (por ciento ochenta y tres (183) días calendario consecutivos para residentes o por trescientos sesenta y cinco (365) calendario para Residente Permanente). Payment code is 07562 - Formulario PA-Autoriz./Permisos y control migratorio and the price is S/ 173.80.

      When I remember (!!!) correctly this tramite can't be done through the Agencia Digital (only the authorization for leaving the country during the extension process of your residency can be done online) and you must pay Migraciones a visit.

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    daniel · 06/11/2021
    first of all thanks a lot for explaining the "health avidavit and the "pre registro app"

    i guess i wont be able to successfully finish the pre registro app
    since i wont have my boarding pass (QR) code until iam at the airport!
    officially it seems that this app is not a mandatory for entering peru
    but of course it would be nice if it would work ;)

    as it looks to me its the "Declaración Jurada de Salud y Autorización de Geolocalización"
    which is mandatory ONLY to board airplane (incl. the other covid regulations of course)

    i was just about to fill in the pre registro app,but since i dont have my qr code for the ticket yet,it seems useless!

    anyway i guess i have to give it another try before boarding the plane to peru!
    seems there are a lot of issues with succesfully transfering all the data
    well,hopefully the airline staff has all the right infos regarding this

    lovely greetings,

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 06/11/2021
      Hello Daniel,

      yes, you are absolutely right.

      The pre-registration isn't mandatory and even the update of the app a few weeks ago didn't solve the problems many visitors have. So, in case it doesn't work, don't worry, you won't have any problems.

      On the other hand the health affidavit is obligatory, but if you know where to fill in what really easy to complete.

      All the best and have a good time in Peru

    • This commment is unpublished.
      daniel · 07/11/2021
      thx Eva :)
      do you think that it´s possible to fill out the"Declaración Jurada de Salud y Autorización de Geolocalización" lets say 4-5days before boarding or arriving Peru? or is the "within 72hrs" rule the best to follow?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 07/11/2021
      @daniel The system isn't blocked, so theoretically you can fill it out whenever you want, But if the document generated by the system which you have to present usually at the check-in and when entering Peru is issued earlier than 72 hours before your trip, it's not (!) accepted. So, get the health declaration in the time frame between 3 days before your trip and entering Peru.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      daniel · 07/11/2021
      ok that was my plan doing it within those 72hrs! ;)
      even on official pages the information regarding this are different,no matter if its the airline,or some other official pages! and as i remember in the "decreto supremo" its not even listed!

      all a bit confusing!

      vuela facil + the jorge chavez international airport pages are the most up to date pages if it comes to UPDATED informations regarding entry to peru,etc.

      and now while i found this pages,its even more informations!
      thx for helping me out
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 07/11/2021
      Thank you Daniel. The reason we started LimaEasy 15 years ago was that back then it was nearly impossible to find any good and up-to-date info about anything in Lima and Peru in English. Lots improved over the years, but sometimes it's still a mess and confusing especially for those not familiar with Peru. So, I'm always happy if our website is helpful to others and makes visiting and being in Peru easier.

      Have a nice Sunday
  • This commment is unpublished.
    CLuv · 05/09/2021
    The app doesnt work
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 05/09/2021
      Yes, a few travelers already reported that they had trouble getting the app downloaded, fill in the spaces, take the picture or get the QR. Really annoying. We personally downloaded the app on iOS and Android and filled in all necessary data; it worked perfectly.

      Anyway, pre-registering your arrival is not (!) obligatory and you won't have any problem with immigration in Peru. If the airline asks for the app, just tell them you can't download it or it doesn't run on your phone; they are aware that some people can't get it to work.


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