Paying administration charges and processing fees in Peru

Paying administration charges and processing fees in Peru

How to pay fees and charges at a Banco de la Nacion branch and on págalo.pe

All administration charges, processing fees and fines government agencies, public authorities and entities levy in Peru have to be paid at the Banco de la Nacion. While for years this meant standing in long lines at one of the numerous Banco de la Nacion branches, since 2018 you can as well pay online using the website/app pagalo.pe.

Content overview:


General information about paying charges, fees, and fines in Peru

Today, Peruvians and foreigners can still pay at any branch of the Banco de la Nacion. Additionally, payments can be made at some Banco de la Nacion ATMs and online with any Visa, Master or American Express debit or credit card as well as with the Yape app on the pagalo.pe website from a computer or with the pagalo.pe app from a smartphone or tablet.

No matter which way you choose to make your payment, you have to know:

  • which authority, for example, Migraciones, Reniec, PNP, Labor Ministry, …, charges the fee
  • which code the procedure you want to pay has, for example, 07568  for the Migraciones administrative procedure “Changing of immigration status”; 06637 for a copy of a Peruvian birth or marriage certificate from Reniec; 08141 for the Interpol clearance from the PNP, 05533 for employment contracts of foreigners, …
  • Be aware that with some payment codes you can pay different administrative procedures ("concepto"): with the Migraciones code 07562, for example, you can pay for applying for the permit to sign contracts or for the special travel permit; with the code 05533 from the Labor Ministry you can pay either the approval of your work contract or the approval of the extension or modification of your work contract. So, make sure you pay the right thing and amount.

How to pay charges, fees and fines at a Banco de la Nacion branch

Since the introduction of the Banco de la Nacion online payment system pagalo.pe (see below how it works) the lines at the Banco de la Nacion branches aren’t as bad anymore and payments are usually done quite quickly (at least by Peruvian standards).

Once it's your turn, just give the teller the authority, the code and, if applicable, the "concepto" of the administrative procedure you want to pay. If you don't know the code, the staff is usually able to help.

Be aware that some branches only accept payments when you first have created a voucher for your payment on pagalo.pe (see below). Payments at ATMs are only possible with a voucher.

Additionally, you will need your passport (foreigners with residency need their carné, Peruvians their DNI) as the payments are registered under your name and passport (CE or DNI) number. Payments made under other names aren’t accepted. So, make sure your name is written as in your passport (or on your CE or DNI) and your passport (CE or DNI) number is correct. If there is only the slightest inconsistency or a little spelling mistake, the payment isn’t accepted later.

Keep the receipt you get safe! Depending on the administrative procedure, you will later need it either to just prove your payment or to enter certain information and numbers on the receipt in online application forms.


How to pay charges, fees and fines using pagalo.pe

At the beginning of 2018, the Banco de la Nacion introduced their new online payment system called pagalo.pe. On the website or with the app, you can pay the most common fees of some Peruvian government agencies and public authorities easily and quickly online with any Visa, Master or American Express debit or credit card as well as with the Yape app.

Since the introduction, an impressive number of charges can now be paid online and others are constantly added; so before heading to the bank, check on pagalo.pe.


How to register on pagalo.pe and create an account

To use the online payment system, you first have to register on the pagalo.pe website or download the app and register there. Don’t use other user accounts to pay your fees as most fees are personal and payments made under other users won’t be accepted later.

Registration on pagalo.pe
To use pagalo.pe you first must register and create an account

Creating an account is super simple. On the website just click on Ingresar (1) and a pop-up window appears on your screen (2). Then click on Registrate on the bottom right corner and the Registro de usuario page opens.

Registration on pagalo.pe
The first step to pay fees and administrative charges in Peru is to register and create an account on pagalo.pe

Now just enter the information required:

  • Correo electronico: Enter a valid e-mail address you have unrestricted access to as an activation code is sent to this e-mail.
  • Documento/ Num. documento: Choose pasaporte (or, if applicable, CE or DNI) and enter in the next field your passport number (or, if applicable, CE or DNI number).
  • Nombre completo: Enter your complete (!) name exactly as in your passport (or, if applicable, your CE or DNI).
  • Numero de celular/Operador: Enter a cell phone number and select the Peruvian operator. Best is, of course, to have a Peruvian cell phone number and just enter the information required. But if you don't have a Peruvian cell phone and leave the fields blank you can't register. So, to get around this little hurdle, just select one of the cell phone carriers and then just enter either your number from home (max 9 digits) or any other 9-digit number. As notifications from pagalo.pe are sent to your e-mail address anyway, you won't have any problems with doing so.
  • Crea una contraseña/Vuelve a escribir la contraseña: Enter a password of your choice and repeat it.
  • Ingresar texto de imagen: Enter the displayed Captcha.
  • Then accept the terms & conditions!

After clicking on Registrar a new window opens and you are asked to activate your pagalo account by entering an activation code.

Registration on pagalo.pe
To finalize your registration on pagalo.pe enter the activation code, which is sent to your e-mail address

So, check your e-mail. You should have received a message from pagalo.pe with the activation code.

Just enter the activation code and the Captcha and click on Activar usuario.

You made it and are now ready to make payments using pagalo.pe.


How to pay using pagalo.pe or create a voucher to pay at a Banco de la Nacion branch / ATM

To make online payments or to create a voucher to pay in cash, you now only have to log into your account.

How to login to your pagalo account
To make payments on pagalo.pe you first have to log in to your account

So, enter pagalo.pe and click on Ingresar (1). Then enter your e-mail address and password (2). After clicking on Ingresar you get to the main page and are logged in (3).

If you haven't registered yet and don't have an account, check out How to register on pagalo.pe and create an account above.

Now just click on the search area "Buscar tramite o entidad" and this drop-down list is displayed.

Making online payments on pagalo.pe
To make payments using pagalo.pe or to create a voucher for cash payment, after logging into your account first choose the authority (for example, Migraciones) 

Now just choose the authority, for example, Migraciones, and you get a list with all administrative procedures, including the codes, that you can pay online.

Making payments using pagalo.pe
After you chose the authority, select the procedure you want to pay (for example, 07568 Cambio de calidad migratoria)

Just click on the one you want to pay and you get to the Registro de Tasa page.

Making payments on pagalo.pe
After you chose the procedure, selecy the concepto (for example, Cambio de calidad migratoria rentista residente) and enter other required fields

Now just enter the information required:

  • Concepto: Most codes include different administrative procedures, so first choose a “Concepto” (in this example case, Cambio de calidad migratoria rentista residente) .
  • Costo: After you selected a Concepto, the payment amount for this procedure is automatically filled in.
  • Tipo de documento/Numero de documento: Select pasaporte (or, if applicable, CE or DNI) and enter your passport (CE or DNI) number.

Then click on Agregar a carrito and you get to your "shopping cart".

Making payments on pagalo.pe
Your pagalo.pe "shopping cart" 

Here you see the authority and administrative procedure you have chosen to pay (in this example case, Migraciones 07568 Cambio de calidad migratoria), including the payment amount and the document under which the payment is registered. Make sure that everything is 100% correct. If not,  edit or better delete under Opciones and start from scratch.

In case you want to pay more than one procedure, you can add others under "Agregar otro pago".

When you are ready, accept the terms and conditions. Click Pagar and you get to the Metodo de pago page.

Making payments using pagalo.pe
To finalize your payment on pagalo.pe, select your payment method.

Now you can choose to pay with any Visa, Master or American Express debit or credit card or with the Yape app by clicking the corresponding icon. Once the payment is cleared, a receipt is sent to your e-mail address.

Or by clicking on the red Banco de la Nacion icon, you can choose to pay in cash at any branch or some ATMs of the Banco de la Nacion with the voucher, which is sent to your registered e-mail.

You made it!


A final note

No matter if you make the actual payment using pagalo.pe or at a Banco de la Nacion branch/ATM, keep the receipt you are sent or get safe! You will need it later either just to prove your payment or to enter certain information and numbers on the receipt in online application forms (for example, if you apply for a residence visa).

Be aware that sometimes it might take a few minutes up to an hour or so until the payment is processed. So, give it a bit of time before you fill in, for example, the application for your residence visa and enter the details of the receipt on the Agencia Digital. If you use pagalo.pe on Sundays or public holidays the processing of the payment might even take until the next business day.

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Inti · 13/06/2023
    Hi there,

    I'm trying to pay through pagalo using my UK cards. I've used a visa, a mastercard and an amex and none of them seem to work. In all cases it says its an ineffective card, or that the information was in the wrong format.

    Do you have to use cards issued in Peru?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 13/06/2023
      Hello Inti,

      no, you don't have to use Peruvian issued cards. Usually any Visa, Master or Amex credit or debit card is accepted.

      So, I'm not sure what's going on. Only other option is to pay at a Banco de la Nacion.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      hhj · 13/11/2023
      @Inti I tried 2 master which didn't work but than the visa worked.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Matt · 29/04/2023
    Hello, I'm applying for a temporary work visa and one step before filling out the application is creating this account to pay admin fees. Unfortunately, I do not have a Peruvian phone number, therefore, I cannot create an account on the pagalo.pe website. Does this have to be done in person then? I was hoping to have all my paperwork done before arriving in the country, but it appears that might not be possible. Thanks for your help!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 30/04/2023
      Hello Matt,

      I assume you are a foreign national who can travel visa-free to Peru. Then, first of all you cannot have all your paperwork done before coming to Peru and you cannot apply for your temporary work visa when you are not in Peru.

      If you haven't signed your work contract abroad and haven't had it legalized by the Peruvian Consulate, you must, for example, get a permit to sign contracts once you are in Peru, then sign the contract and have it approved by the Peruvian Ministry of Labor. And you must get the Ficha de Canje from Interpol in Peru. Additionally to enter the Agencia Digital, the online platform where you apply, you must enter the date you arrived in Peru. Best check out our Work Visa article, where the whole process is explained in detail.

      Regarding your pagalo.pe question: For quite some time you could just enter any cellphone number and click on any provider with no problem. The activation code was sent to your e-mail address. But I just checked pagalo and saw that now they are sending the activation code to your cell phone, which you then have to enter on the second page. So, while you could try if it works when you enter your cellphone number from abroad, I fear that you won't receive the code. So, your only option is, once you are in Peru get a prepaid sim from Claro, for example, and then register on pagalo.


    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 30/04/2023
      Matt, I was wrong. I just created a new account on pagalo using a non-existent phone number and selected as provider Claro. The activation code is not sent to the phone number! It's send to the e-mail address you entered. So, you could use your cell phone number from abroad.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Karlina · 17/11/2022
    hello, I can't seem to pay with a foreign credit card. I live in Canada and have tried with a mastercard and american express. Are you sure you can pay from abroad?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 17/11/2022
      @Karlina Hello Karlina,

      I don't know if you can pay on pagalo.pe when you are abroad. However, the Banco de la Nacion says that you can pay with any Visa, Master or American Express credit or debit card. 

      Anyway, if you are still in Canada, what do you want to pay? Depending on the procedure you have to be in Peru. 

      One option you could try is using a VPN and switch there to Peru. This often helps to access Peruvian websites that won't load from abroad, such as the Interpol page and sometimes the Migraciones Agencia Digital. Perhaps it helps in this case as well.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Savi · 01/09/2022
    Hello Sunflower
    It is so relieving to know that you have many topics in this site. Great work!
    I want to ask if we already paid for a certain code, can we ask for refund? How could it be?
    I followed the code 07567 here : https://www.gob.pe/12881-solicitar-calidad-migratoria-de-formacion-residente, but when i was processing things in agencia virtual, this code did not work. Apparently, the first code was outdated and here the other code 07568 in https://www.gob.pe/12931 could be applied.
    Thank you for your help.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 02/09/2022
      @Savi Hello Savi,

      thanks for your nice words about LimaEasy.

      No, the first code 07567 isn’t outdated, it’s for a “solicitud de calidad migratoria”, so for applying for a residency which can only be done at a Peruvian consulate. If you are already in Peru, for example, as a tourist, you have to make a “cambio de calidad migratoria”, so, a change of your immigration status from, in your case, tourist to student.

      Anyway, yes, you can get your money for the wrong payment back. There are two current options (and a third “old” one) and as I’m getting error messages when entering my Agencia Digital I can't check properly and I’m not sure which one works.

      Option 1

      Go to the Agencia Digital. On the first page, enter your personal data. On the second page, select “Devolucion de pagos” in the menu on the left (when I enter my Agencia Digital, the point is not there anymore; if it’s the same with you, then see option 2). Then confirm the terms & conditions, enter the data of the person who paid as requested, enter the information of the bank receipt as requested and then complete the form before clicking on registrar. You get a confirmation message on the screen (best make a screenshot) and an e-mail with the “numero de solicitud” is send to you. Go to the Banco de la Nacion with your ID and the e-mail which was sent to you by Migraciones and you should get your money back.

      Option 2

      If above option doesn’t work, go to the Agencia Digital. On the first page, enter your personal data and then select “Mesa de Partes” at the top. There under “Tipo de Solicitud” choose “otros tramites administrativos” and under “Sub-tipo” select “devolucion de dinero”. Fill in the rest of the fields, download the form (you find it on the government website as well), fill it in and upload it again. Click on registrar and you should get a confirmation message on your screen (make a screenshot) and an e-mail which with you should be able to pick up your money at the Banco de la Nacion.

      Option 3

      With all the changes recently, I hope one of the two above options work. If not, maybe the system for getting wrong payments back on the old Migraciones website still does. So, you may want to try it there under “Devolución de pagos en línea


    • This commment is unpublished.
      Dessy · 04/09/2022
      @Sunflower Hello Eva

      Thank you for the options! I have tried the Option 1 and it worked. The website sometimes has error and won't show the menu Devolución de pagos. I had to reload the page many times until the page showed the menu on the left side. I filled my data  and got the Solicitud to be shown to the Teller in the Banco de la Nación. It was easy.
      Again, thank you and keep doing this great website!

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 05/09/2022
      @Dessy Great to hear that the first option, which since last year is the "correct" one, worked.

      All the best
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Jose · 07/07/2022
    What is the current fee to pay to allow a permit to sign contracts? Is it still 15.80 soles? 
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Dag · 06/05/2022
    "Those having excessively overstayed their welcome (we are talking about many months or even years), however, might be additionally sanctioned with an entry ban."

    I seek advice in dealing with Migraciones for an extended overstay and resulting sanction. Please let me know if anyone has advice on how to deal with this problem so one might legally return to Peru. 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 06/05/2022
      @Dag Hello Dag,

      as you have been so persistent sending 3 mails in 5 minutes and a comment as well, here again.

      Usually you can't leave Peru without having paid your overstay fee, so there must be more to the whole story.  In such circumstances you should really get in contact with an immigration attorney, the Peruvian consulate or Migraciones.

      On pagalo.pe you could pay overstay fees back to 2017: Code 00675 - Multa Extranjeros - Exceso Permanencia (Por Día). Everything earlier you have to get in contact with Migraciones or the Peruvian consulate anyway.

      All the best.


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