How to fill in the online form to get the Peruvian health affidavit necessary to enter Peru

Health Declaration for entering Peru

How to fill in the online health form and get the Peruvian health affidavit

Until October 12, 2022 everyone - visitor, resident and Peruvian; adult and child; vaccinated or unvaccinated - who came to Peru by air was required to present a Health Affidavit when entering the country. This changed with the Ministerial Resolution 811-2022-MINSA.

So, since October 12, 2022, the Health Declaration is no longer required to enter Peru! The website to fill in the form has been deactivated as of October 20, 2022.

As Peru is still in a state of (national health) emergency and prevention and control measures to stop the spread of Covid remain in place at least until February 24, 2023, things can be tightened again in no time and the health declaration might be necessary in the future again. So, for now, we leave our guide to fill in the form below.


Completing the online form takes less than 10 minutes, is super simple, free of charge and at the end you immediately get the required health affidavit which you can either download or print. The form can be filled in up to 72h before entering Peru (within 72 hours prior to your arrival in Peru). You might be asked to show the health affidavit when checking in to your flight to Peru and/or at the airport in Peru and/or when traveling.

Please only use the official website for obtaining the health affidavit and don’t fall for a number of service providers offering to get the sworn statement for you while charging you anything from US$ 20 up to US$ 60 for something you can easily do yourself in a few minutes for free.

How to complete the online form and get the Peruvian health affidavit

If applicable, before you start switch off your VPN and any translation program that might run on purpose or automatically!!!

Step 1

Visit the official health affidavit website.

There have been reports that the page doesn’t always load correctly in some browsers, an error message pops up and people can't fill in the required fields on the first page. If you are using a VPN, switch it off, reload the page and it should work smoothly. Otherwise, try to use a different browser; we had no problems with Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

Additionally, we get many questions that people can't find nationalities or states or cities in the drop-down lists on the first and second page. Note that the names are always in Spanish (see Step 2)! If you see them translated, switch off any translation program that may run in the background automatically by your browser or intentionally otherwise error messages can pop up or you won't find the correct names.

Here now the first page.

Peruvian Health Declaration

How to fill in the online form to get the Health Affidavit and Geolocation Authorization to enter Peru. Here the first page you have to complete.

Step 2

At the bottom of the first page you can choose between English and Spanish, however while the labelling of the spaces you have to fill in changes from Spanish to English and vice versa, the drop-down list under Nationality remains in Spanish; so if you are, for example, a US national you won’t find United States or US on the list, but have to click on EE.UU (Estados Unidos, the Spanish name for the US); or if you are German, click on Alemania, etc. Those from the UK will look in vain for United Kingdom but as well for Reino Unido; select instead Gran Bretaña  (Great Britain) or, if you are from England, you could choose Inglaterra, or, if you are from Scottland, Escocia.

Then choose the document with which you are travelling: DNI, CE or PAS (passport) and enter the number. Complete the first page by adding your birthdate and then click on “Search”.

Step 3

The second page of the Peruvian online form to get the health affidavit is divided into two parts:

  • Part I: Personal Information
  • Part II: Health information

So, first fill in your personal information exactly as in the document you are traveling with, your arrival date and flight number. Under “Country of origin” (the country from which the flight departs to Peru) the names are again in Spanish (see step 2).

Then choose your destination in Peru. You are asked for the department (Peruvian state), the province and the district; so, for example, if you stay in the district of Miraflores in Lima, choose Lima (department), Lima (province) and Miraflores (district) or if you travel to Machu Picchu choose Cusco (department), Urubamba (province), Machu Picchu (district). If you are traveling around, either choose your first destination or the place where you stay the longest.

Peruvian Health Declaration
How to fill in the online form to get the Health Affidavit and Geolocation Authorization to enter Peru. Here the second page, Part I Personal Information.

Now add a contact phone number and a cell phone number. Be aware that fields for the (cell) phone number are Peruvian-style, so, if necessary, you might have to "adjust" your phone number to the Peruvian structure.

  • the country code must have 2 or 3 digits
  • the city / area code must have 2 or 3 digits
  • the phone number must have at least 6 digits, the cell phone number at least 8 digits

Example: let’s assume you have a US cell phone number which usually is structured as follows: +1 (country code) 123 (area code) 1234567 (number). This cell phone number won't be accepted as there are two problems with it: the system doesn’t allow the “+” and the number only has 7 digits. So, just enter in the country code field 01, in the city code field 12 (the first two digits of your area code) and in the number field 31234567 (last digit of your area code and then the 7 digits of your number). Problem solved.

Then enter a valid e-mail address you have access to even during your travel.

The following fields seem to be aimed at Peruvian travellers (and in an earlier version of this form were in a section which only Peruvians had to fill out) and don't really fit international tourists.

You are asked for your "real address", but you can only choose a Peruvian department (state), province and district. So, just as above, where you had to choose your destination in Peru, use the address of your hotel or the address of friends / family you are staying with. If you are traveling around, choose the first hotel you are staying at or the place where you stay the longest.

Peruvian Health Declaration
How to fill in the online form to get the Health Affidavit and Geolocation Authorization to enter Peru. Here the second page, Part I Personal Information

And the next field seems even stranger; you are asked to enter your "real address after isolation". This just makes little sense for foreign travellers, so just enter the street address of your accommodation.

The next fields aren't better as you should add the persons who are with you at your "real address". We recommend to either leave these fields blank (each person traveling should have his or her own health declaration anyway) or enter the information of whoever is traveling with you. After entering the data of a person, you have to click "Add", otherwise the system won't accept the entry.

Step 4

In Part II Health Information, as of May 2022, you just have to answer three Covid-related questions and then tick the box before the declaration of oath; the geolocation authorization for your cell phone, which never had a legal basis in Peru, is gone.

Peruvian Health Declaration
How to fill in the online form to get the Health Affidavit and Geolocation Authorization to enter Peru. Here the second page, Part II Health Information.

Click registrar, and you immediately get the Health Affidavit. At the top of the page, you can and, as once you leave this page you can't return, should download ("descargar") and/or print ("imprimir") the form. Sometimes, if you have selected "imprimir" the window that opens remains blank. Just shut the print window with the "x" at the top right, choose the "descargar" button and print from there.

Health Affidavit

The document you receive looks like this.

Peruvian Health Declaration

Sample of the Peruvian Health Affidavit which you get after filling in the online form.

Please consider this picture of the health affidavit as sample only; the automatically by the system generated Health Affidavit number on the document has been erased with zeros, personal data with x x x and the QR code completely. To get your personal Health Affidavit required to enter Peru, please complete the online form as described above.

Before traveling to Peru, please as well pre-register your arrival

Since October 2020, everyone traveling to Peru by air is asked to pre-register his or her arrival in the country on an app. As pre-registered trave...

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    Jand · 02/05/2022
    Hi, I will be traveling to Peru on May 7th, I have my 2 doses of moderna covid vaccine, but will be getting my booster of May 2nd. Will I have any problems entering peru and traveling within Peru?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 02/05/2022
      @Jand Hello Jand,

      No, you won't have any problems when you have three shots.

      Just have your vaccination certificates, either in digital or paper form, proving that you had three doses of a vaccine against Covid on hand.

      Check with the airline flying you to Peru, if they have other / additional requirements.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      JT Nelms · 03/05/2022
      @Sunflower Hang on.  I'm pretty confident that you had to have had your booster 14 days before arrival.  Are you *certain* about this answer?

      And I'm really sorry if I'm wrong.  I've just done a ton of research for the trip I'm leading, and I was *adamant* that my people get their booster at least 14 days prior (based on my research)
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 03/05/2022
      @JT Nelms Hello JT,

      yes I’m sure, at least that’s what the current Peruvian Covid regulations, the Supreme Decree 041-2022-PCM, says.

      In 2021, shortly after the rule either vaccination or neg. PCR test was introduced, you had to have your vaccination 14 days prior to your arrival. This passage is gone from the regulations. I’m not sure when exactly it was changed, but latest with the first Covid-related Supreme Decree of 2022 (010-2022-PCM).

      If you have a look at the current one DS 041-2022-PCM in article 4.4 it says for entering Peru, for example, the following: “Los peruanos, extranjeros residentes y extranjeros no residentes de 12 años a más cuyo destino final sea el territorio nacional, en calidad de pasajeros e independientemente del país de procedencia, deben acreditar haberse aplicado la primera y segunda dosis de vacunación contra la COVID-19 en el Perú o en el extranjero, y la tercera dosis los mayores de 18 años que residan en el país y se encuentren habilitados para recibirla, según protocolo vigente. En su defecto, pueden presentar una prueba molecular negativa con fecha de resultado no mayor a 48 horas antes de abordar en su punto de origen.

      So, translated freely: Peru requires an official vaccination certificate from everyone older than 12 years - Peruvian, foreign resident of Peru and non-resident foreigner - entering the country, proving they had the first and second dose of a vaccination against Covid-19. Residents of Peru older than 18 years must present a certificate of a third shot. Failing to do so (so, if you are not vaccinated according to your age group), a negative real-time COVID-19 molecular (RT-PCR) test result that is not older than 48 hours after being issued and before boarding the plane has to be presented.

      Nowhere in the current regulations you find that the vaccination or booster has to be administered 14 days before your arrival.

      So, not sure where you did your research and how up-to-date the information there was. Anyway, I base my statements each time on the current version of Covid regulations published by the Peruvian government in the official Peruvian gazette El Peruano. Airlines, tour operators or other private companies might ask for something different.

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    Kathryn McMeekin · 01/05/2022
    I am flying  from Toronto Canada to Lima Peru in September 2022, and am just trying to get extra information.  I realize I have to fill in this declaration about.  I have had 2 vaccinations, and will have had 2 boosters before travelling.  Am I correct in thinking I don’t have to a PCR test done within 48 to 72 hours before my departure flight.  Thank you, this is a very helpful site.  
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 01/05/2022
      @Kathryn McMeekin Hello Kathryn,

      I can't tell you which rules and regulations are in place in September. So, today I can only answer your question according to the current Covid regulations Supreme Decree 041-2022-PCM which are in effect since today, May 1, 2022. The regulations are usually updated every 3 to 4 weeks.

      So, as things are today,

      - yes you have to fill in the health declaration and most probably have to present it at the check-in of your flight to Peru and definitely when entering Peru either in digital or printed form.
      - if you have 3 doses of a vaccination against Covid, you are fine and do not need an additional PCR test, neither to enter Peru nor to do anything in Peru. Just have your vaccination certificates, either in digital or paper form, on hand. Check with the airline flying you to Peru, if they have other / additional requirements.

      As said above, the requirements might change until you travel. But if you have 4 shots by the time you travel, you should have no problems.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Regitze · 30/04/2022
    Hello. Is it possible to change something in the healt declarations papers when you have filled them out?? or can i make a new one?? I have made a mistake by writing my last name twice.... 
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      • LimaEasy
      · 30/04/2022
      @Regitze Hello Regitze,

      you cannot change the form once you clicked on registrar. But you can start from scratch and fill in the form again. No problem.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Vane · 28/04/2022
    Hello, in province, district destination and departament destination all are Lima?? We are going to be staying in Lima 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 28/04/2022
      @Vane Hello Vane,

      If you are staying in the city of Lima, select Lima as “Destination department” and again Lima as “Destination province”.

      Then the question is where in Lima are you staying. The Peruvian capital is divided into 43 districts.

      So, if you are, for example, staying somewhere in the historic city center or at the Sheraton Hotel, then choose as “Destination district” as well Lima. However, if you stay at the Westin or near the El Olivar Park or the Golf Club then you are in San Isidro; or if you stay at the Hilton or Marriott or somewhere around the Kennedy Park you are in Miraflores, so you have to select Miraflores as “Destination district”.

      If you don’t know in which district your accommodation is, let me know the address, so I can check for you.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    laura · 26/04/2022
    I was wondering if I can apply for a new form since the first is probably wrong. I only wrote my first name and not my middle names, is this wrong? So for example: full name Laura Luna Magdalena Jansen. What do I need to write by first name and surname? I wrote with first name Laura and last name Jansen, is this correct? Or is it first name Laura Luna Magdalena and last name Jansen?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 26/04/2022
      @laura Hello Laura,

      you should put all your names as in your passport.

      So, if your full name is Laura Luna Magdalena Jansen, you put Laura Luna Magdalena in the "first name" field and Jansen in first "last name" field. The second last name field remains empty as you only have one surname.

      You can fill in the form a second time, no problem.


      P.S. I deleted your second identical comment.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Sandra · 25/04/2022
    I am travelling from Uk and I have had two vaccinations and one booster for Covid 19. Do I still need a pre-departure Covid-19 test?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 25/04/2022
      @Sandra Hello Sandra,


      As of today (!!!) for entering Peru and for doing anything in the country you are fine with your three doses of a vaccination against Covid. Have proof of your two shots and the booster with you either digitally or in paper form and you won't have any problems.

      To not encounter any trouble on your way to Peru, check regulations of the airline and of transit countries.


    • This commment is unpublished.
      Sandra · 25/04/2022
      @Sunflower Thank you. This really is a great web site. 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 25/04/2022
      @Sandra Thank you for your nice words. Have a good time in Peru.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    maja · 14/04/2022
    Hi, I am interested as we are planning to travel to Peru in May, what does it actually mean "geolocation authorization" - is that a passenger tracking?
     For example does is that means that if we are traveling with bus and there is one person on bus that is covid positive, would they track us down and send to quarantine for 14 days, even if we don't have symptom? 
    I actually really wish to know what geolocation authorization means in practical way? 

    thank you! 

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 14/04/2022
      @maja Hello Maja,

      That’s a really interesting question no-one asked me before. And honestly, I can’t answer it to your satisfaction as even Peruvian lawyers who stumbled upon this not legally sound requirement and who got in contact with involved authorities (Migraciones, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Transport and Communications) requesting answers and who combed through every law and legislation regarding this matter didn’t find answers.

      First of all, as far as I know since October 2020, when air travel to Peru was possible again and the health declaration with the geolocation authorization was introduced, not a single cellphone of a traveler was tracked, no-one was located through their cellphone and put into quarantine because someone on the same bus has tested positive, or similar.

      However, to enter Peru you must (!) accept the geolocation of the cellphone you registered in the health declaration form; which means that you allow someone - Migraciones (?), the Ministry of Health (?), the Ministry of Transport and Communications (?) - to locate your cellphone at any given time.

      And here the legal problem starts. Before you can accept such a requirement, according to the Peruvian law of the protection of personal data, you must be informed who is collecting your data, who gets access to your data, what is done with your data, for what purpose is your data collected and for how long the authorization is valid. When filling in the health declaration you don’t get this information. And while there are quite a number of regulations concerning this matter, not one gives exact info. And above-mentioned lawyers as well didn’t get exact answers when they got in contact with involved authorities, they were just referred to some regulation which didn’t contain the information they were looking for.

      And even though Peru is still in a State of Emergency and in a State of a Health Emergency where some basic rights can be restricted and state intervention into the rights of people can be allowed, lawyers agree that the geolocation authorization lacks a precise legal basis as no part of the form details the use and the purpose of it and the regulations don’t do it either. Once you entered Peru, you can even revoke the authorization on the Agencia Digital under Mesa de Partes Virtual, which of course no traveler knows about or bothers doing.

      Anyway, after reading many articles on that topic, it seems to me that at the moment (!) nothing is done with you geolocation authorization. However, this can change any time, and, even though not legally sound, it gives authorities the right to locate your cellphone at any time, when they think that the public health or whatever is in danger.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    adhara · 14/04/2022
    about my country of origin, I'm italian and i will take a flight from milan to madrid e from madrid to lima. Do i have to fill as country of origin Italy or Spain? And  as flight no., do i have to  indicate the flight from madrid to lima? Thanks a lot!!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 14/04/2022
      @adhara Hello adhara,

      If you travel with an Italian passport, select under Nationality on the first page Italia.

      On the second page under Country of origin choose España, as your flight to Peru leaves from Spain.

      And the flight number should be the one from Madrid to Lima.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Namba · 13/04/2022
    The following must be selected in the form: Did you have contact with any person ill with Coronavirus (COVID-19)
    To which period in the past does this refer exactly? To the last 14 days or to a shorter or longer period?
    And what would happen if this were the case? Would I then not be allowed to enter the country, even though I have been fully vaccinated and I`m without symptoms?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 13/04/2022
      @Namba Hello Namba,

      The first question (contact with someone who has Covid) refers to the last 14 days; if you change the language from English to Spanish on the bottom of the page you find “¿Usted ha tenido contacto con alguna persona enferma de Coronavirus (COVID-19) en los últimos 14 días?”.

      And I can’t answer your second question. I don’t know what will happen if you answer one or more questions with “yes”. Pointing out that you are fully vaccinated isn’t really a strong argument as we know now that you can get infected and infect others despite the shots.

      So anyway, answering the questions on the form depends on your honesty (be aware that you declare under oath that the information provided by you is correct).

      If you are honest and check "yes" you have to live with possible consequences:

      - the airline might not allow you to fly (you should check with them; some don’t bother, if you just had contact with a sick person and are vaccinated or don’t have symptoms; others are more strict)

      - in Peru upon arrival you might be questioned, might be asked to get a test done, might be put into quarantine (only ever heard that being done with people who had symptoms); or no-one checks your health declaration properly and you can just enter the country with no one bothering you.

      If you lie and check "no", neither the airline nor the health officials at the airport in Peru can prove otherwise, if you arrive in Peru healthy and with your vaccination certificate / a negative PCR test result.

      So, how you answer, is up to you.

      And just to make you aware: you said you are fully vaccinated, so only had two shots. Since April 1, new Covid regulations are in place in Peru and at many places now 3 shots are required. You can find more detailed information in our article Covid entry requirements and regulations for Peru.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Wilson · 09/04/2022
    I have completed the form 2 or 3 times this morning and am within the 72 hour arrival time for Lima, Peru.  I apply the "register"  box and have waited a lengthy time, but no approval document appears.  What to do?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 09/04/2022
      @Wilson Hello Wilson,

      that's strange. To see if the website has a problem, I just filled in the form, clicked on registrar and, in a second, had the health declaration. I used Firefox on my computer and then tried it in Chrome as well. No problem at all.

      So, what can you do? Honestly, I don't know as I haven't got a clue where the problem might be. So, here just some general tips that hopefully work:

      - Only use this link which brings you directly (!!!) to the official website of the Peruvian Ministry of Health; 
      - If you use a mobile, make sure you have a stable internet connection or try it on a laptop / PC.
      - Close the page completely and start from scratch and/or clear your cache
      - Try using another browser.
      - Switch off a VPN or any translation programs you might be using.
      - Check for error message that might pop up while filling in the form
      - Fill in the Spanish version (on the bottom of the first page you can switch from English to Spanish)

      Hope, one of the things does the trick and you get your health declaration

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Koss · 07/04/2022
    I have a certificate of recovery since March 2022. Is it obligatory to have a vaccine also to enter and travel in Peru?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 07/04/2022
      @Koss Hello Koss,

      in Peru there is no recovery status. So, no, a certificate of recovery is not accepted.

      You can enter the country either with a vaccination certificate or a negative PCR test. However, traveling, going shopping, visiting any sites, ... without being vaccinated (best 3 shots) is nearly impossible. Sorry.

      Check out our article Covid requirements and regulations for more detailed info.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Koss · 07/04/2022
      @Sunflower Thank you, Eva!
      Is the one shot Jansen approved in Peru?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 07/04/2022
      @Koss Yes, the vaccine is approved here in Peru by the Ministry of Health, but you have no benefit from the one shot vaccine.

      The new Supreme Decree 030-2022-PCM, which went into effect on April 1, clearly states you have to prove that you are vaccinated with 2 respectively 3 doses of a vaccine against Covid. So without 2/3 shots, no way in Peru. Sorry.

      Read through our Covid requirements and regulations article for the latest info.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Koss · 07/04/2022
      @Sunflower Well, PCR is still an option, even though Peru, isn't it?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 07/04/2022
      @Koss You should really thoroughly read above linked article, I just updated a few days ago.

      Yes, you can enter Peru with a negative PCR test result and you can fly nationally or take a bus. That's in short all you can do with a negative PCR test.

      For nearly everything else - be it shopping (even grocery shopping), using an ATM inside a bank, change money in a casa de cambio, stay at a hotel, eat at a restaurant, book a tour, visit any attractions, archaeological site, park, the beach, whatever - you now need proof of having received 2 / 3 shots against Covid.

      As said before, without being vaccinated, Peru isn't a great place to visit at the moment.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Juls · 04/04/2022
    Thank you,
    this helped alot...
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 04/04/2022
      @Juls Great, that our article is helpful.

      Have a nice day

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Dan · 31/03/2022
    How can I get the phone number to work properly?  I live in the USA so I put in 01 as the country code (it says “requires two digits”), put in my 3 digit area code for the “city code”, and then plugged in my 7 digit phone number for the rest, however it’s saying “minimum of 8 digits/numbers required” yet USA phone numbers are only 7 not 8….  Am I doing something wrong here?   Otherwise I’ll just need to enter in an extra digit in order to get this to “save’… 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 31/03/2022
      @Dan Hello Dan,

      as explained above, you have to enter your number to fit the Peruvian system.

      So, the country code can have 2 or 3 digits: 01 for US. Fine.

      The city code can have as well 2 or 3 digits and the cell phone number must have at least 8 digits.

      So, if your city code has 3 digits, but your cell number just 7, then fill in the first two digits of your city code in the city code field and the last digit of your city code followed by the 7 digits of your cell number in the cell phone number space.  Now, you have two digits in the city code field, which is fine, and the required 8 digits in the phone number field. Problem solved.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Wendy · 31/03/2022
    urgent help required please.  The declaration is saying both my and my husbands emails are invalid.  I don't know if this is because it won't let me type them in lower case (which they are).  Any ideas please?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 31/03/2022
      @Wendy Hello Wendy,

      never heard of problems with the e-mail before, so I just tried it out. I used my personal e-mail address, my company e-mail, my LimaEasy e-mail, my outlook, my Gmail and even two different "phantasy" e-mails and all were accepted.

      So, I don't know what's wrong. If you use a VPN, turn it off; if you use a translation program, turn it off, then reload the page and try again. If your e-mail still isn't accepted, try using another one, probably best Gmail, Outlook or similar. It should work.


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    Emil · 28/03/2022
    I am going to cross into Peru tomorrow from the Bolivian landborder? What should I type as flight number?
    Hope you can help.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 28/03/2022
      @Emil Hello Emil,

      good question ...

      When it was announced that in mid-February land borders would open, I somewhere read that the health declaration might (!) not be required to enter Peru at a land crossing. However, I couldn't find anything official on that topic. So, I'm not sure if you need the form at all or not.

      Personally, I would fill in the form just to make sure you have everything and would enter 00000 as flight number. I just tried it out, and the system allows it (see screenshot).

      Once you entered Peru, would you share your experience with us?

      Thanks a lot

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Emil · 11/04/2022
      @Sunflower Hi Eva
      Thank you very much for your answer. It's now almost two Weeks ago we crossed the landborder and we did'nt show the health declaration. I dont know if we were just lucky or if that is just how it is.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 11/04/2022
      @Emil Thanks for sharing your experience. Hope, you enjoy your time in Peru.


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