Term Definition

The TAM, Tarjeta Andina de Migracion (Andean Migration Card), is an obligatory migration and statistical control document needed by nationals and foreigners to enter and leave countries of the Andean Community (Comunidad Andina) including Peru.

For years the Tam was a small white card which had to be filled in manually by everyone entering the country, then was stamped at the point of entry by an immigration officer and had to be returned to immigration when leaving the country.

tarjeta andina de migracion peru tam
Tarjeta Andina de Migracion (TAM) - Andean Immigration Card. This card had to be filled in when arriving in Peru; the upper part (here on the left) stayed with immigrations, the bottom part (on the right) was given back to the visitor stamped and with the allowed days written on it; upon departure it had to be returned to immigrations.

A few years ago, Peru abolished the use of the printed form and implemented the so-called TAM Virtual for entries at Jorge Chávez International Airport (for international travelers) and at authorized seaports (for cruise travelers). So today, in Peru the TAM is in most cases just an entry in the Migraciones database automatically registering your date of entry and departure.

tam virtual peru
Tam virtual today

If you want to check which personal data is registered, how many days you were given when you entered the country or if for whatever reason you need to prove when you entered or left Peru, you can retrieve your Tam Virtual on the Migraciones website or the Agencia Digital. Find more information on how it's done in our article "How many days did I get when entering Peru?"

While during the height of the Corona pandemic Peru eliminated the stamping of passports when entering the country, in May 2022 the entry stamp was...

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Maria Reiche - Memories

Submitted by: Tintin
05 December 2021

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