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Residence visa application from outside Peru

Peruvian residence visa application from abroad

How to apply for your residence visa if you can’t travel to Peru visa-free

Foreign nationals who can travel to Peru visa-free, enter Peru as a tourist and then apply for their residence visa at Migraciones in Peru. However, those foreign nationals who can’t enter Peru without a tourist visa issued by a consulate, which in most cases is difficult to get, have another, though lengthy option to apply for their visa while still being outside the country.

For years Peruvian consulates abroad handled residence visa applications from giving information and handing out the right forms to fill in, to accepting the application and, if approved, issuing the residence visa. Since August 2021, however, the Peruvian diplomatic missions only handle tourist and business visa applications and refer foreigners, who want to apply for a residence visa to Migraciones in Peru, which isn’t really helpful, especially if you are thousands of kilometers away.

But there is no way around, even if you are outside Peru, the initial application can only be submitted to Migraciones using the Agencia Digital, which you have no access to, if you are still outside the country and never have been to Peru before. Therefore you need a representative (a family member, future Peruvian employer, immigration lawyer, or similar) who submits your application; please be aware that those who have been to Peru before within the last few years can apply themselves on the Agencia Digital even though there are not in Peru at the moment (you need the date of your last entry). Only when your application is approved, the visa is issued by a Peruvian consulate of your choice, where you can pick it up and then enter Peru on this visa.

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Legal background for a residence visa application from outside Peru

Contrary to the change of their immigration status, the so-called cambio de calidad migratoria, foreigners apply for when they are already in Peru, foreigners being outside Peru must apply for an immigration status, make a so-called Solicitud de calidad migratoria.

For foreigners planning to stay longer in Peru and to apply for a residence visa, the most important laws and regulations are the Decreto Legislativo 1350 (which only stipulates general rules), the Decreto Supremo 002-2021-IN and the TUPA. Helpful as well is to check out the Peruvian government website. All these documents are, of course, in Spanish.

While below under "Requirements for a residence visa application from outside Peru" you find the necessary documents described in English, the official list of requirements (in Spanish) can be found, for example, in the Decreto Supremo 002-2021-IN

  • for a family visa on page 43 in article 89-A “Procedimiento administrativo de solicitud de calidad migratoria de familiar residente”
  • for a resident work visa on page 41 in article 88-A “Procedimiento administrativo de solicitud de calidad migratoria trabajador residente”
  • for a resident student visa on page 36 in article 83-A “Procedimiento administrativo de solicitud de calidad migratoria de formación residente”.
  • for a retirement visa on page 46 in article 92-A “Procedimiento administrativo de solicitud de calidad migratoria rentista residente”.
  • for a religious visa on page 38 in article 84-A “Procedimiento administrativo de solicitud de calidad migratoria religioso residente”

Requirements for a residence visa application from outside Peru

Below requirements by visa type are for the application of the residence visa if the applicant is still abroad.

If you are already in Peru, the requirements and process is different. So, please check out our extensive Visa Guide where we explain requirements and the application in detail by visa type.

Family visa (familiar residente para mayores de edad)

  • Be outside Peru
  • Form PA – Solicitud de calidad migratoria
  • Receipt for paid application fee (code Migraciones 07567; concept Solicitud de calidad migratoria de familiar residente para mayores de edad, S/ 105.60) (*)
  • Passport
  • Up-to-date DNI of the Peruvian family member with correct family address, correct marital status and no pending election fees or up-to-date carné de extranjería of the foreigner with resident status
  • Antecedentes policiales, penales y judiciales (Police clearance certificate, criminal record and judicial matters check) issued in the country of origin and, if the applicant lived in another country before coming to Peru, in the country of residence covering the last 5 years (exception minors) (**) (***)
  • Official document that proves the family tie: i.e. marriage certificate if the applicant is married to a Peruvian or foreigner with resident status; birth certificate if the applicant is the child or parent of a Peruvian, but not Peruvian himself or of a foreigner with resident status (**) (****)
  • Power of attorney for the person representing you in Peru / applying for you 

If you are in Peru, you find detailed information on how to apply in our Family Visa article

Peruvian Family Visa

Peruvian Visa Types
Some family members of Peruvian nationals and foreigners with a resident status in Peru have the right to a family union and can apply for a family...

Resident work visa (trabajador residente)

  • Be outside Peru
  • Form PA – Solicitud de calidad migratoria
  • Receipt for paid application fee (code Migraciones 07567; concept Solicitud de calidad migratoria de trabajador residente, S/ 105.60) (*)
  • Passport
  • Antecedentes policiales, penales y judiciales (Police clearance certificate, criminal record and judicial matters check) issued in the country of origin and, if the applicant lived in another country before coming to Peru, in the country of residence covering the last 5 years (**) (***)
  • Work contract with a duration of at least 12 months (not older than 30 days)
  • Sworn statement of the legal representative of the company
  • SUNAT registration, including RUC (Peruvian tax number) showing the employing company is active
  • Company registration of the employing company showing the legal representative
  • Power of attorney for the person representing you in Peru / applying for you 

If you are in Peru, you find detailed information on how to apply in our Work Visa article

Peruvian Work Visa

Peruvian Visa Types
Foreigners who have a valid and legally signed work contract with a Peruvian company that was approved by the Peruvian Labor Ministry or who have a...

Resident student visa (formación residente)

  • Be outside Peru
  • Form PA – Solicitud de calidad migratoria
  • Receipt for paid application fee (code Migraciones 07567; concept Solicitud de calidad formacion residente religioso, S/ 105.60) (*)
  • Passport
  • Antecedentes policiales, penales y judiciales (Police clearance certificate, criminal record and judicial matters check) issued in the country of origin and, if the applicant lived in another country before coming to Peru, in the country of residence covering the last 5 years (exception minors) (**) (***)
  • Sworn statement stating that you (in case of minors, the parents) have sufficient financial resources to fund your studies or internship in Peru
  • For students: Enrollment certification issued by the recognized Peruvian educational institution
  • For exchange students: Official letter from the Peruvian host university or higher education institution 
  • For interns: Official letter from the Peruvian company
  • Power of attorney for the person representing you in Peru / applying for you 

If you are in Peru, you find detailed information on how to apply in our Student Visa article

Peruvian Student Visa

Peruvian Visa Types
Foreigners planning to study at a Peruvian educational institution or to do an internship / apprenticeship (without payment!) at a Peruvian company...

Retirement visa (rentista residente)

  • Be outside Peru
  • Form PA – Solicitud de calidad migratoria
  • Receipt for paid application fee (code Migraciones 07567; concept Solicitud de calidad migratoria rentista residente, S/ 105.60) (*)
  • Passport
  • Antecedentes policiales, penales y judiciales (Police clearance certificate, criminal record and judicial matters check) issued in the country of origin and, if the applicant lived in another country before coming to Peru, in the country of residence covering the last 5 (**) (***)
  • Letter / confirmation from your pension fund or social security stating that you receive a monthly income of at least US$ 1000 or the equivalent in any other currency. (**) (****)
  • Power of attorney for the person representing you in Peru / applying for you 

If you are in Peru, you find detailed information on how to apply in our Retirement Visa article

Peruvian Retirement Visa

Peruvian Visa Types
Foreigners, who receive a state or private pension including social security pension, government pension, employment related pension, union pension...

Religious visa (religioso residente)

  • Be outside Peru
  • Form PA – Solicitud de calidad migratoria
  • Receipt for paid application fee (code Migraciones 07567; concept Solicitud de calidad migratoria residente religioso, S/ 105.60) (*)
  • Passport
  • Antecedentes policiales, penales y judiciales (Police clearance certificate, criminal record and judicial matters check) issued in the country of origin and, if the applicant lived in another country before coming to Peru, in the country of residence covering the last 5 years (exception minors) (**) (***)
  • Request issued by the religious entity, which must be recognized by the Peruvian state, where the applicant finds his home in Peru. The request must be signed by the legal representative of the religious entity and must include name(s) and surname(s) of the applicant as well as the time he or she stays in Peru
  • Sworn statement of the legal representative of the religious entity affirming the details of the official registration and his/her power of representation or an official document confirming his / her powers.
  • Power of attorney for the person representing you in Peru / applying for you 

If you are in Peru, you find detailed information on how to apply in our Religious Visa article

Peruvian Religious Visa

Peruvian Visa Types
Priests, nuns, and missionaries who want to stay in Peru to perform religious or missionary activities can apply for a religious visa, called “reli...

Explanatory notes

(*) Payments must be made using the Banco de la Nacion online payment system pagalo.pe. Be aware that the payment must be done using your account correctly registered with your full name (as in your passport) and your passport number. Payments made using other accounts are not accepted. In our article "Paying administration charges and processing fees in Peru" we explain in detail how you can register and create an account and then pay the fee.

All administration charges, processing fees and fines government agencies, public authorities and entities levy in Peru have to be paid at the Banc...

(**) All foreign documents (even so-called “international” certificates) need an Apostille or, if the country in which they were issued, didn't sign the Apostille Convention have to be legalized by a Peruvian consulate abroad.

(***) As we get many question about the “Antecedentes policiales, penales y judiciales” we dedicated a separate article to the topic where we explain in detail what kind of document you need, where you get it and what to watch out for when applying for it.

One of the requirements to apply for a resident visa in Peru or to change your visa type, for example from a work visa to a permanent resident visa...

(****) Documents in Peru have an “expiration date”. So, in general (there are a few exceptions, for example, work contract), documents issued in Peru are only accepted if they were issued not more than 3 months before the application is submitted; documents issued outside Peru are only accepted if they are not older than 6 months.


Application process for a residence visa if you are outside Peru

Unfortunately, if you are outside Peru, you can’t apply for a residence visa at a Peruvian consulate anymore. For the application the Agencia Digital, the Migraciones online platform, must be used, which you don't have access if you aren't in Peru and never have been to Peru before. So, you need a representative, for example, a family member, your employer, your university, or an immigration lawyer handling your application. If you, however, have been to Peru before within the last few years you can apply yourself on the Agencia Digital even though you are not in Peru at the moment (you need the date of your last entry) making the process much more simple.

As a work visa application should be handled by your future Peruvian employer, a student visa by the Peruvian university and the religious visa by the Peruvian religious entity below we explain how it’s done if a Peruvian spouse or a spouse with resident status applies for a family visa for the foreign partner abroad.

But the process is the same for all visa types. So, in case a good friend or whoever is up to the task, be it a Peruvian or a foreigner with carné, handles, for example, your student or retirement visa application he can follow the same easy steps and just have to upload the for the visa type required documents.

Once you have all required documents together, the person applying for you must open the Migraciones Agencia Digital and click on Entrar.

On the next page on the right, "Peruano" must be selected if the person who applies for you is Peruvian or "Extranjero" if he/she is a foreigner with resident status. If you can apply for yourself, click on "Extranjero".

Process application for immigration status
Agencia Digital - Application process for a residence visa if the applicant is outside Peru

Then he/she/you just has to enter the personal data as requested. Peruvians: DNI number, birthdate and the date when the DNI was issued, the department, province and district where the person was born. Foreigners: document with which he/she is registered (either passport or carné), number of the document, birthdate, nationality, the date the person entered Peru.

After entering the captcha and clicking on "Verificar", the person ends up on the main page of the Agencia Digital.

 Process application for immigration status
Agencia Digital - Application process for a residence visa if the applicant is outside Peru

Here the person applying must click on "Mesa de Partes" at the top right and then ends up on this page.

Process application for immigration status
Agencia Digital - Application process for a residence visa if the applicant is outside Peru

Now he/she/you must click on the circle in front of “Persona natural”, enter his/her/your e-mail address, re-enter the e-mail address and enter a cell phone number.

After accepting the terms & conditions and clicking on "Siguente", this page is displayed.

Process application for immigration status
Agencia Digital - Application process for a residence visa if the applicant is outside Peru

Under "Tipo de solicitud" he/she/you must now select "Nuevos tramites - TUPA" in the drop down menu; under "Subtipo" he/she/you must choose "Solicitud de calidad migratoria (Visa)".

As soon as these options are selected, the displayed fields change a bit.

Process application for immigration status
Agencia Digital - Application process for a residence visa if the applicant is outside Peru

Then in the field "Seleccione una dependencia" he/she/you must choose the Migraciones office which should handle the application, for example, Lima. Under "Asunto de la solicitud" the person should write something such as “Solicitar calidad migratoria de familiar residente para mayores de edad (para mi esposo)" (if the spouse is applying for a family visa) or "Solicitar calidad migratoria de formación residente" (if someone is applying for you for a student visa" or similar depending on the case.

Then he/she/you can download the necessary application form by clicking on “Descargar formato" or you can get it as well under this link and fill it in before starting the actual application process.

The form looks like this...

application form

... and should be filled in as follows:

I: Visa type: so, for example, familiar residente para mayores de edad, trabajador residente, or formación residente, rentista residente, religioso residente,...
II: Personal details of your representative (so, for example, your spouse, a lawyer, ...)
III: Consulate where you want to pick up your visa. It can be any Peruvian consulate, so choose wisely
IV: Personal details of the applicant (so, you, the person who needs the visa to come to Peru)
V, VI and VII: sworn statements
VIII: leave blank
Application date and signature of the representative

Then back to the Agencia Digital, where the required documents must be uploaded as a PDF. But only two PDF documents, each with a max of 10MB, can be uploaded, one under "Adjuntar documento principal" and the second under "Adjuntar anexo". So best make one PDF with the form, payment receipt, ID(s) and the other with the criminal record check and other required documents.

After uploading the documents, the person applying must click on "Siguiente" and finalize the application. He/she/you should regularly check his/her/your e-mail and “Buzon Electronico” (the personal electronic mailbox) for notifications from Migraciones (missing documents, approval or denial of the visa, etc.)

Once the application is approved, which should only take a max of 30 business days, but depending on the workload of Migraciones in most cases takes anything between 3 and 6 months, you can pick up your residence visa at the consulate you chose on your application and enter Peru on your residence visa.

But you are not done yet. After you entered Peru, you must get your Interpol clearance, must have your biometrical data taken and then apply for your carné de extranjería. The process is explained in detail on our visa pages under "Getting your carné".


This is the official and correct way for all foreigners, who can't travel to Peru visa-free, to apply for a residence visa. However, while the application process itself is simple, in most cases you need someone in Peru as your representative who is up to the task. And, as mentioned above, the time from submitting the application until the approval (or denial) can be many, many months where you sit in your home country waiting for news and being separated from your loved one or increasingly getting frustrated as you can't start your studies, new job, etc., .

So, while this option is doable, you have to have lots and even more patience and in most cases need someone you fully trust in Peru.

Another option ...

Even though not the correct official way for foreign nationals who cannot travel to Peru visa-free, and even though it might seem difficult or near impossible, move heaven and earth to get a tourist visa for Peru with which you enter the country and then apply as everyone else in Peru for your residence visa, make a so-called cambio de calidad migratoria. While the organization and preparation might take a few weeks and you, of course, must be able to fulfill the requirements for a tourist visa, this option in most cases is a much quicker way to be, for example, reunited with your spouse and/or start your life in Peru and you can handle the application in Peru on your own.

So, the best way to get started is by contacting the nearest Peruvian consulate. In case they aren't helpful or you can't get there (you usually must apply in person and get through an interview), there are as well a few consulates worldwide that issue tourist visas for non-residents. One of our readers recommended, for example, the Peruvian consulate in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which seems to be quite helpful and cooperative. Anyway, ask for the exact requirements for a tourist visa application for Peru and how exactly the process works. Under no circumstances mention your real intention of applying for a residence visa once you are in Peru (this applies as well to your interview), otherwise your tourist visa application will be denied. So, do not mention that you, for example, are married to a Peruvian, or want to study long-term in Peru, or already have work lined up or whatever. You want to visit this beautiful country as a tourist (best have a possible itinerary prepared) and can prove that you fulfill the requirements. That's it.

As soon as you have sorted out the tourist visa question and before (!) travelling to Peru, get all necessary documents together you need for your residence visa application once you are in Peru. Our Visa Guide lists the requirements in detail and explains how the application process works.

All the best!

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