Legal Stuff & "Red Tape" - Peru

Fighting your way through the bureaucratic jungle of a foreign country, being aware of important rules and regulations or even laws and knowing how certain things work or are done can be challenging, especially here in Peru.

Our “Legal Stuff” section gives visitors and (newly) residents of Peru important information on the most common topics and hopefully helpful guidelines for the most often needed procedures.

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While in many first world countries an unaffordable luxury, in Peru having a so-called empleada (domestic worker) that does your cleaning, laundry, cooking, watching the children or even driving you around is quite common and for middle and upper-class Peruvians and foreigners still affordable.
Indefinite-term employment contracts are the rule of thumb for hiring in Peru. Without prejudice to the foregoing, fixed-term and part-time employment contracts may be executed in special cases.
When traveling by plane, especially during busy holiday seasons, delays, canceled flights and damaged or lost luggage, unfortunately are nothing uncommon. While annoying, frustrating or just inconvenient, there are actually only two things you can do when affected: keep your cool and know your rights.
On May 2, 2023, the Peruvian government put a law (Ley 31732) into effect granting foreigners, who violated article 56 of the Foreigner Law (Decreto Legislativo 1350) amnesty. So, they don't have to pay the in some cases excessive fines for infringements. Unfortunately, the amnesty option expired at the end of October 2023.
Since October 2020, everyone traveling to Peru by air is asked to pre-register his or her arrival in the country on an app. As pre-registered travelers don’t have to proceed to an immigration counter upon arrival but can use the automated passport control system, the so-called E-gates, to clear immigration, this novelty at Jorge Chavez Internati...
After over two years of strict Covid regulations to enter and move around Peru, finally at the beginning of October 2022 the Corona rules were significantly eased, making traveling to and in Peru not only simpler but also more relaxed again. And yesterday, October 26, 2022, we were all surprised to hear that finally the state of emergency is lif...
Until October 12, 2022 everyone - visitor, resident and Peruvian; adult and child; vaccinated or unvaccinated - who came to Peru by air was required to present a Health Affidavit when entering the country. This changed with the Ministerial Resolution 811-2022-MINSA.
27 results - showing 21 - 27
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Maria Reiche - Memories

Submitted by: Tintin
05 December 2021

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