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How to apply for an extension of a Migraciones deadline

Extension of a Migraciones deadline

How to apply for the so-called Ampliación de plazos

During the internal evaluation and approval process of your visa application (Cambio de calidad migratoria) or of the application for the extension of your visa, Migraciones may discover that you haven’t uploaded all required documents, that an uploaded document isn’t to their liking, or they want an additional document. You are then sent a notification informing you about it and asking you to submit the document in question.

Read the Migraciones notification carefully. Usually, you only get 5 (sometimes 10) days to upload the document. If you don't react within the deadline, your application can be dismissed.

If you have the document, make a PDF of it (max size 3MB) and upload it on the Agencia Digital. How this so-called Subsanación is done, is explained in our article “Subsanacion - Submitting documents”.

During the internal evaluation and approval process of any application on the Agencia Digital, Migraciones may discover that you haven’t uploaded a...

If you don’t have the document yet and won’t be able to submit it within the deadline, you still have to react and can apply for an extension of time to hand in the document later. The process is called Solicitud de ampliación de plazos and can only be requested if you applied for a visa (Cambio de calidad migratoria) or for an extension of your visa.

As soon as you have submitted the request for an extension of the deadline, you have an additional 30 days to upload the document. Officially, you can only apply for the extension of the deadline one time, but a few of our readers informed us that Migraciones accepted a second extension of the deadline when they presented a valid reason (for example, waiting for the criminal background check with Apostille from abroad). However, be aware that if a second extension isn't granted, Migraciones could dismiss your visa / visa extension application (which you then could appeal).

How to apply for an extension of a Migraciones deadline

Applying for the extension of a Migraciones deadline is an easy and straightforward process, which is done on the Migraciones Agencia Digital.

Before you start the application on the Agencia Digital, best first download the required application form on the website of the Peruvian government.

Fill in the form, sign it and make a PDF (max size 3MB).

Then open the Migraciones Agencia Digital and click on Entrar.

On the next page, select "Extranjero". Then choose in the drop-down menu Pasaporte and enter your passport number. Complete the other fields (birth date, nationality, last time you entered Peru and the Captcha) and click on Verificar.

Now you are on the main page of the Agencia Digital. At the top, click on Mesa de Partes.

Migraciones Ampliacion de plazo
How to apply for the extension of a Migraciones deadline

1st page of the application for the extension of a Migraciones deadline

Click on the little circle in front of Persona natural, enter your e-mail address, confirm your e-mail address and enter your cell phone number. Accept the terms and conditions and click on Siguiente.

Migraciones Ampliacion de plazo
How to apply for the extension of a Migraciones deadline

2nd page of the application for the extension of a Migraciones deadline

  • Under Tipo de solicitud select Solicitudes en general.
  • Under Subtipo select Solicitud de Ampliacion de plazos.
  • Under Seleccione una dependencia choose the Migraciones office where you applied for your visa / visa extension.
  • The Asunto de solicitud field is a subject line; so you could enter here something like, Numero de tramite LM00000000 (replace with the number of your application!!!), Ampliacion de plazo por subsanacion de antecedentes (or whatever applies).
Migraciones Ampliacion de plazo
How to apply for the extension of a Migraciones deadline

If you haven’t already done so, download the application form by clicking on the red button, fill it in, sign it and make a PDF (max size 3MB).

  • Under Tipo de documento select Carta.
  • N° de folio is 1, if you only upload the application form. If you want to upload a second PDF, probably with a detailed explanation, why you need the extension, write 2.
  • Then upload the form (and, if applicable, the second PDF) and click on Registrar.

3rd page of the application for the extension of a Migraciones deadline

You now get a confirmation displayed on your screen that you successfully applied for an extension of the deadline. Download and/or print the page and keep it safe. That’s it.

Please note: Most probably Migraciones won’t reply to your request to extend the deadline and won’t confirm the extension. As long as you upload the document Migraciones asked for within the 30-day extension time, you are fine. Nevertheless, check your Buzon electronico regularly, so in case Migraciones missed your request and sends another notification with a second notice to upload the document, you can react in time.

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    Karl Bertelsen · 27/05/2024
    Thank you for your guidance. I received my Family Visa in Nov. '23. I would not have succeeded without your guidance!
    Early Dec. I returned to my previous home in Florida US to dispose of my belongings, sell my home etc. A huge undertaking that requires all the permitted 'out of the country' days.
    A little over 2 weeks ago an EF2 tornado caused severe structural damage to my house, so I am in the process of completing the SPECIAL PERMIT TO STAY OUT OF THE COUNTRY MORE THAN 183 DAYS choice on the pdf form: 'SUMILLA: SOLICITO AMPLIACION DE PLAZO PARA SUBSANAR DOCUMENTOS'
    I am asked for EXPEDIENTE N° :
    and to choose LETRAS
    LM, MR, LO, LS'
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 27/05/2024
      @Karl Bertelsen
      Hello KArl,

      thank you so much for your nice words. It's always great to hear that our articles help foreigners through the Peruvian bureaucratic jungle.

      If you want to extend the time you can stay outside the country as a resident the Solicitud de plaza para subsanar documentos is the wrong tramite. This procedure only has to be applied for if you can't upload requested documents on time.

      The correct procedure is called "Solicitar el permiso de estadía fuera del país por 183 días calendario". When I remember correctly you must pay on pagalo.pe for 07562 Permisos and then apply for it on the Agencia Digital on the Mesa de Partes under Tramites TUPA.

      Hope this helps.


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