How to fill in the online form to get the Peruvian health affidavit necessary to enter Peru

Health Declaration for entering Peru

How to fill in the online health form and get the Peruvian health affidavit

Until October 12, 2022 everyone - visitor, resident and Peruvian; adult and child; vaccinated or unvaccinated - who came to Peru by air was required to present a Health Affidavit when entering the country. This changed with the Ministerial Resolution 811-2022-MINSA.

So, since October 12, 2022, the Health Declaration is no longer required to enter Peru! The website to fill in the form has been deactivated as of October 20, 2022.

As Peru is still in a state of (national health) emergency and prevention and control measures to stop the spread of Covid remain in place at least until February 24, 2023, things can be tightened again in no time and the health declaration might be necessary in the future again. So, for now, we leave our guide to fill in the form below.


Completing the online form takes less than 10 minutes, is super simple, free of charge and at the end you immediately get the required health affidavit which you can either download or print. The form can be filled in up to 72h before entering Peru (within 72 hours prior to your arrival in Peru). You might be asked to show the health affidavit when checking in to your flight to Peru and/or at the airport in Peru and/or when traveling.

Please only use the official website for obtaining the health affidavit and don’t fall for a number of service providers offering to get the sworn statement for you while charging you anything from US$ 20 up to US$ 60 for something you can easily do yourself in a few minutes for free.

How to complete the online form and get the Peruvian health affidavit

If applicable, before you start switch off your VPN and any translation program that might run on purpose or automatically!!!

Step 1

Visit the official health affidavit website.

There have been reports that the page doesn’t always load correctly in some browsers, an error message pops up and people can't fill in the required fields on the first page. If you are using a VPN, switch it off, reload the page and it should work smoothly. Otherwise, try to use a different browser; we had no problems with Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

Additionally, we get many questions that people can't find nationalities or states or cities in the drop-down lists on the first and second page. Note that the names are always in Spanish (see Step 2)! If you see them translated, switch off any translation program that may run in the background automatically by your browser or intentionally otherwise error messages can pop up or you won't find the correct names.

Here now the first page.

Peruvian Health Declaration

How to fill in the online form to get the Health Affidavit and Geolocation Authorization to enter Peru. Here the first page you have to complete.

Step 2

At the bottom of the first page you can choose between English and Spanish, however while the labelling of the spaces you have to fill in changes from Spanish to English and vice versa, the drop-down list under Nationality remains in Spanish; so if you are, for example, a US national you won’t find United States or US on the list, but have to click on EE.UU (Estados Unidos, the Spanish name for the US); or if you are German, click on Alemania, etc. Those from the UK will look in vain for United Kingdom but as well for Reino Unido; select instead Gran Bretaña  (Great Britain) or, if you are from England, you could choose Inglaterra, or, if you are from Scottland, Escocia.

Then choose the document with which you are travelling: DNI, CE or PAS (passport) and enter the number. Complete the first page by adding your birthdate and then click on “Search”.

Step 3

The second page of the Peruvian online form to get the health affidavit is divided into two parts:

  • Part I: Personal Information
  • Part II: Health information

So, first fill in your personal information exactly as in the document you are traveling with, your arrival date and flight number. Under “Country of origin” (the country from which the flight departs to Peru) the names are again in Spanish (see step 2).

Then choose your destination in Peru. You are asked for the department (Peruvian state), the province and the district; so, for example, if you stay in the district of Miraflores in Lima, choose Lima (department), Lima (province) and Miraflores (district) or if you travel to Machu Picchu choose Cusco (department), Urubamba (province), Machu Picchu (district). If you are traveling around, either choose your first destination or the place where you stay the longest.

Peruvian Health Declaration
How to fill in the online form to get the Health Affidavit and Geolocation Authorization to enter Peru. Here the second page, Part I Personal Information.

Now add a contact phone number and a cell phone number. Be aware that fields for the (cell) phone number are Peruvian-style, so, if necessary, you might have to "adjust" your phone number to the Peruvian structure.

  • the country code must have 2 or 3 digits
  • the city / area code must have 2 or 3 digits
  • the phone number must have at least 6 digits, the cell phone number at least 8 digits

Example: let’s assume you have a US cell phone number which usually is structured as follows: +1 (country code) 123 (area code) 1234567 (number). This cell phone number won't be accepted as there are two problems with it: the system doesn’t allow the “+” and the number only has 7 digits. So, just enter in the country code field 01, in the city code field 12 (the first two digits of your area code) and in the number field 31234567 (last digit of your area code and then the 7 digits of your number). Problem solved.

Then enter a valid e-mail address you have access to even during your travel.

The following fields seem to be aimed at Peruvian travellers (and in an earlier version of this form were in a section which only Peruvians had to fill out) and don't really fit international tourists.

You are asked for your "real address", but you can only choose a Peruvian department (state), province and district. So, just as above, where you had to choose your destination in Peru, use the address of your hotel or the address of friends / family you are staying with. If you are traveling around, choose the first hotel you are staying at or the place where you stay the longest.

Peruvian Health Declaration
How to fill in the online form to get the Health Affidavit and Geolocation Authorization to enter Peru. Here the second page, Part I Personal Information

And the next field seems even stranger; you are asked to enter your "real address after isolation". This just makes little sense for foreign travellers, so just enter the street address of your accommodation.

The next fields aren't better as you should add the persons who are with you at your "real address". We recommend to either leave these fields blank (each person traveling should have his or her own health declaration anyway) or enter the information of whoever is traveling with you. After entering the data of a person, you have to click "Add", otherwise the system won't accept the entry.

Step 4

In Part II Health Information, as of May 2022, you just have to answer three Covid-related questions and then tick the box before the declaration of oath; the geolocation authorization for your cell phone, which never had a legal basis in Peru, is gone.

Peruvian Health Declaration
How to fill in the online form to get the Health Affidavit and Geolocation Authorization to enter Peru. Here the second page, Part II Health Information.

Click registrar, and you immediately get the Health Affidavit. At the top of the page, you can and, as once you leave this page you can't return, should download ("descargar") and/or print ("imprimir") the form. Sometimes, if you have selected "imprimir" the window that opens remains blank. Just shut the print window with the "x" at the top right, choose the "descargar" button and print from there.

Health Affidavit

The document you receive looks like this.

Peruvian Health Declaration

Sample of the Peruvian Health Affidavit which you get after filling in the online form.

Please consider this picture of the health affidavit as sample only; the automatically by the system generated Health Affidavit number on the document has been erased with zeros, personal data with x x x and the QR code completely. To get your personal Health Affidavit required to enter Peru, please complete the online form as described above.

Before traveling to Peru, please as well pre-register your arrival

Since October 2020, everyone traveling to Peru by air is asked to pre-register his or her arrival in the country on an app. As pre-registered trave...

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Lynn Chua · 11/10/2022
    I will be staying at Holiday Inn Miraflores. I can't find Lima under Destination Department.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 11/10/2022
      @Lynn Chua Hello Lynn,

      I just filled in a health declaration and "Lima" is still there (see the screenshot attached). In the Destination department field just scroll down to "L" and you will find Lima under Lambayeque and above Loreto. In the Destination province field Lima is the first option and then find Miraflores in the district field.

      Are you probably using a translation program? Then all the names are translated to whatever language you want to translate it to and the drop-down list becomes an absolute mess. So, if this is the case, switch off the translation program and start from scratch.

      If you need any more help, let me know.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Demien · 27/09/2022
    Please tell me should I fill in this form for a transit flight? (Oslo - Madrid - Lima - Sao Paulo - Buenos Aires)? 
    Because it asks for my destination in Peru.
    Thank you!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 27/09/2022
      @Demien Hello Demien,

      Officially, you only have to fill in the health declaration form if you enter Peru. So, the question is, are you staying in transit (no form needed) or do you have to clear immigrations and customs (enter Peru, so form needed) and then check-in to your flight to Brazil.

      Anyway, as the form is usually checked by the airlines flying you into Peru during the check-in and they have the instruction to not let anyone board the plane without the form, no matter if you remain in transit at the airport or enter Peru, you might be asked to present the health declaration form.

      So, either ask the airline about their policy if you remain in transit or, which might be quicker and less hassle, just fill in the form using the address of the airport. Department, province and district is Callao, address Av. Elmer Faucett s/n.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    John Knights · 25/09/2022
    When I click on "Register" having completed the form, I get a message in Spanish which I think says that I must register within (up to) 72 hours before the flight. When I click on "OK" nothing happens as it is still 17 days before I travel. Please confirm I have understood correctly.
    It would be a real help if this information was provided BEFORE completing the form.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 25/09/2022
      @John Knights Hello John,

      Yes, the Health declaration form can only be filled in the earliest 72h before your arrival in Peru, so, in the time frame from 3 days prior to your arrival to arrival in Peru.

      So, let’s assume you arrive in Peru on October 12 at 08.00pm; you can fill in the form the earliest on October 9 at 08.01pm, but could do it as well on October 10 or 11, but before the check-in to your flight to Peru as there the form is usually checked.

      So, as you are only coming to Peru in 17 days, you are way too early to fill in the form, therefore get an error message and won't be issued the form. Wait another two weeks and, as you now already have practice, you can fill in the form no time.

      Have a great trip to Peru


      P.S.: By the way, we explicitly mention in our article above that you can only fill in the form 72h before coming to Peru. Unfortunately, we don’t have any influence on the official health affidavit website which is run by the Peruvian immigration office Migraciones in collaboration with the Peruvian Ministry of Health.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Rex · 19/09/2022
    We will be staying at Novotel Lima San Isidro
    Victor Andres Belafonte
    198 00000 Liam Peru, my question is what department-province-district is this hotel in. Thank you very much in advance
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 19/09/2022
      @Rex Hello Rex,

      Department is Lima
      Province is Lima
      District San Isidro

      Have a great time in Lima


      P.S. one more thing I just saw, the address is Victor Andres Belaunde (not Belafonte)

    • This commment is unpublished.
      Rex · 19/09/2022
      @Sunflower Thanks for your quick reply and yes I misspelled the address, as we say here I fat fingered the keyboard. Again thank you for all your information.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Shell · 17/09/2022
    I'm staying at the Holiday Inn Lima Airport. On the form, would the destination department be Callao, Province Callao & District Callao? That part was very confusing. 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 17/09/2022
      @Shell Hello Shell,

      Yes, it is confusing for foreigners. Sorry. But, you are right: the department is Callao, the province is Callao, and the district is Callao. The address is Av. Tomas Valle s/n Esq Av. Faucet.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Bradley Hill · 15/09/2022
    This comment piggy-backs my original comment of just a few minutes ago about contact with any COVID ill person. The original decree in Spanish gives a 14-day window for the contact. For me, this appears to clear up the ambiguity I perceived with the English translaton of the form. Sorry for the ado!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Bradley Hill · 15/09/2022
    The first COVID question asks if one has had ANY contact with a COVID ill person, without a time limitation as in question 2. Since 2019, most of us have had some contact, and since Omicron, many of of have had at least light symptoms ourselves, though by now they are at least six months in the past. What is the accurate and ethical answer here? 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 15/09/2022
      @Bradley Hill Hello Bradley,

      in the Spanish version of the online form it's stated clearer. The question is, if you had contact with someone with Covid within the last 14 days.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Greg · 12/09/2022
    I'll  be flying into Lima from Atlanta.  I have a connecting flight to Ecuador.  I will be at the Lima Airport for around 5 hours.  Do need to fill out any forms?  Thanks.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 13/09/2022
      @Greg Hello Greg,

      Are you staying in transit at the Lima airport? Or do you have to go through immigrations, pick up your luggage (so enter Peru) and then check-in for your flight to Ecuador at the airport?

      If you have to enter Peru, you have to fill in the health declaration form. As you are only staying a few hours and don’t have an address in Peru where you stay, just enter the address of the airport; Av. Almer Faucett, Callao.

      If you remain in transit, you usually don’t have to fill in the form as you are officially not entering the country. But, as the airline flying you into Peru checks the health declaration form during the check-in process, I recommend asking there if they let you board without it.

      Anyway, to avoid any problems or delays, I would just fill in the form which takes you less time and makes your life much easier than trying to get an answer from the airline or discussing at the check-in counter.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Anthony Wilson · 12/09/2022
    I am from the United Kingdom what is the problem with putting United Kingdom or Great Britain in English on the form.
    Also when will all this rubbish stop it as been over two years now.
    Filling forms out that just mean nothing.
    So Chile is easier to enter then Peru.
    This Web site is a great help if you want to go to Peru I did want to go to Peru but my life is flexible so hello Chile.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 13/09/2022
      @Anthony Wilson Hello Anthony,

      I have to agree the health declaration is badly programmed and not geared towards foreign tourists. However, our step-by-step guide above makes filling it in a quick and easy process, even for those who travel to a Spanish-speaking country with no or limited Spanish skills. And don’t we all hope and wish that Corona and especially the restrictions and measures finally come to an end?

      Anyway, reading your lines, I ask myself if you have followed the Covid restrictions in Chile over the past two years and are aware of the current regulations. Until recently, they were even stricter than in Peru and today are quite similar. Be aware that Chile at the moment is on the lowest alert level which might or not change anytime. With being on the alert level 1 starting September 1, 2022 Chile simplified the Covid entry and travel requirements. There is no Traveler’s Affidavit (comparable with the Peruvian health declaration) anymore. But still, even though foreigners don’t have to get their vaccinations registered on the Mobility App anymore (the App can be switched to English but be assured registering there and getting your foreign vaccinations validated isn’t fun), you still need to prove that you are vaccinated when entering and anywhere else in the country. Those foreigners not vaccinated need a PCR test to enter and to do anything. Additionally, Chilean authorities allow themselves to randomly test arriving passengers at the point of entry. And of course, you still have mask mandates nearly everywhere. So, while the Chilean authorities have everything neatly and nicely explained even in English, honestly, overall, there are only a few slight differences between regulations in Chile and Peru.

      But as an old saying from my home country goes, you never should hold up travelers. Yes, Chile is a beautiful country with lovely people and a few amazing attractions, in parts better organized, partly nicely tidied up. But it isn’t Peru and, depending on what you are looking for when traveling, it might not be able to withstand the comparison with Peru.

      I wish you an amazing trip to Chile and all the best.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Thiruniraiselvi · 12/09/2022
    Thank you so much. you are right about the phone number. I tried for my own number and also a Peruvian number. It shows "undefined" and tried a few times to apply and print. so now I will leave as it is and print out the latest form
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Thiruniraiselvi · 12/09/2022
    great all done. I'm able to enter the cell number but when I enter the same number as the phone number it shows undefined. It's still my number or the Peruvian hostel number? if yes how to enter this number? +51 981 279 599
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 12/09/2022
      @Thiruniraiselvi Do you mean that on the health declaration form you get in the second row of the text the “undefined” after teléfono fijo (land line number) as in attached picture?

      When I filled in the form for an elderly couple a few months ago, the same appeared. I don’t know what it is, but assume that the system recognizes that the “area codes” in Peru beginning with a 9 are reserved for cell phones; area code for a land line in Lima is 1 or in Cusco 84 or in Arequipa 54, etc.

      Just leave it as it is. You won’t have any problems entering Peru with the “undefined” as part of the land line number.

      All the best.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Thiruniraiselvi · 12/09/2022
    Hi, I already apply the health declaration and approved it. It's just when I enter the flight number I enter the first flight from Malaysia. Because there is 3 flight due to transit and no direct flight. Malaysia to Bangkok-Bangkok to Amsterdam and Amsterdam to Lima. so am I right?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 12/09/2022
      @Thiruniraiselvi Hello Thiruniraiselvi,

      When you use multiple flights on your way to Peru, you have to fill in the flight number of the flight that brings you directly to Peru. So, in your case that is the flight from Amsterdam to Lima.

      As you entered your first flight from Malaysia to Bangkok when filling in the form, I recommend filling in the form again, which isn't a problem, this time using the correct flight number of your Amsterdam to Lima flight.

      On your first two flights nobody should ask about the Peruvian health declaration, so most probably you only have to present it  when checking in at the Amsterdam airport and when entering Peru.

      Have a good trip

      Greetings Eva
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Theresa · 10/09/2022
    I completed this health form but entered my last name twice as there was a blank for a last name twice. Should I fill in a new health form?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 10/09/2022
      @Theresa Hello Theresa,

      Peruvians and other Latin Americans have two last names: the apellido paterno (the father’s surname or first last name) and the apellido materno (mother’s surname or second last name). Therefore, you find two last name fields on the form.

      Even though most probably nobody will thoroughly look at your health declaration form, Peruvians are usually quite strict when the name in your passport only slightly differs from the name you put on a form. So, I recommend filling in the form again, this time correctly with only one last name as in your passport (the second last name field is not a mandatory field and can be left blank).

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Rex · 07/09/2022
    I haven't filled out the form yet (won't be leaving till Sept.23) but I want to thank you in advance for all the great information that makes filling out the form easier.
    PS. My wife says Thank You, Thank You, Thank You
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 07/09/2022
      @Rex Hello Rex,

      Thanks for writing me. You and your wife (!) made my day.

      I hope that filling in the form works like a charm with a bit of help from LimaEasy. If you have any problems or something doesn’t work, just send me a short message and I do my best to help.

      Have a great trip to Peru.

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Jean · 05/09/2022
    Wonderfuly helpful website. I read the instructions and tried to fill out the Health Affidavit but discovered I am 6 days to early. They really mean wihtin 72 hr of my flight:)
    Is pre-regestring  my arrival on the immigration app mandatory or can I  go through immigaratio? I'm arrivning at midnight next week.

    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 06/09/2022
      @Jean Hello Jean,

      Thank you for your nice words about LimaEasy.

      Yes, you can really only fill in the health declaration form the earliest 72h before your arrival in Peru; so, within 72h before coming to Peru.

      And while the health declaration is a must, pre-registering your arrival is not obligatory! Often the app doesn’t even work properly, and most travelers can’t pre-register anyway. Those who pre-registered were promised that they don’t have to proceed to an immigration counter upon arrival, but could use the automated passport control system to clear immigration. But for over a year now, the automated passport control machines are out of order, and everyone has to proceed to an immigration counter. You find more information about the topic in our article “Pre-Registration at Peruvian Immigration before arrival”.

      Have a nice trip to Peru.


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