Thanks for a great info site! My 10 years is soon up on the Peru driver´s license, what is the process for renewal for a foreigner with CE? Thanks in advance
- This commment is unpublished.@CamilaHello Camila,the requirements and the process vary a bit depending on which driver's license category you have, on how old you are and if you are in Lima or the provinces.Check out the government website under MTC and there the article Renovar o revalidar la licencia de conducir (don't miss the following page, where the process is explained) or the article Renovar o revalidar la licencia de conducir en el gobierno regional.GreetingsEva
- This commment is unpublished.@Sunflower Hi Eva, I went to the Touring office in Lince and got this info sheet. Note that the info on MTC´s website is in part only for people with DNI, not CE.
- This commment is unpublished.
- This commment is unpublished.@Sunflower Hi Eva, I went today and can confirm the info is correct. It takes about 1 hour and you get the license immediately.
It´s a good idea to bring a black pen as they only had 1 at hand. - This commment is unpublished.