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Peruvian Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion - Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social

Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion - MIDIS

Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social

Av. Paseo de la República 3101
  • San Isidro
City (Peru)
Phone Number
(+511) 631-8000

The Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion is an institution of the Peruvian Government in charge of implementing social programms and turning them into productive tools for the benefit of Peru's poor and vulnerable population.

It plans, directs, executes and supervises policies on development and social inclusion to improve the quality of  life of the population and to guarantee access to quality universal public services and equal opportunities to all. Furthermore the ministry's mission is to eradicate extreme poverty and chronic malnutrition in children offering them quality health and education services.


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    alan thomas shoemaker · 17/08/2023
    How do I apply for this? I am 70 years old, living  in Iquitos, Peru for 31 years. I have my DNI. I live with my son who is 25 years old and soon will have his architect papers from USP 
    • This commment is unpublished.
      • LimaEasy
      · 18/08/2023
      @alan thomas shoemaker
      Hello Alan,

      How do you apply for what? You are on the article describing what the Peruvian Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion does and how to contact them.

      So, I'm not sure what you want to apply for.

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      HRCEP · 17/05/2024
      @alan thomas shoemaker Are you there Alan? There’s a great opportunity available for your son now. Contact me 

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