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Kiwicha is native to the high Peruvian Andes. Also known as Amaranth, Kiwicha is an ancient crop cultivated for thousands of years by numerous cultures including the Incas. Kiwicha seeds are slightly bigger than poppy seeds and very flavorful.

They are popped to produce a crunchy white nutty popcorn which is poplar and delicious as snack, cereal or breading for chicken and fish. The grain is also ground into flour, rolled into flakes, "puffed", boiled for porridge, sprinkled on salads and added to breads.

The gluten free Kiwicha is very high in protein and essential amino acids and therefore often called one of Peru's "super grains". As it can be easily absorbed by the body, it's a unique energy source especially for children, sick and elderly people. It's a great plant-based protein source for vegetarians and vegans. Additionally regular consumption of kiwicha reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels and is considered to have anti-aging effects.

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