The Serenazgo is commonly described as the municipal “police”; probably more correctly described as better security personnel employed by the different municipalities in Peru. Their job is to maintain public peace and order, public safety and security as well as public morals.
However, the Serenazgo is not part of the National Police force (PNP) and only has limited powers and jurisdiction. The Serenos – name for the people who are part of the Serenazgo - might wear a nice uniform, drive an impressive SUV (or car or motorcycle) and sometimes might act as police officers, but actually they are more a combination of public order officer and patrol guard with a few police-like rights.
Patrolling the streets of their municipality or being called by citizens from their district, they handle minor disturbances and less urgent, irregular, or illegal situations. So, if you have a neighborhood dispute, a noise complaint, strange people in your neighborhood park or even a burglary, you call the Serenazgo of your district or municipality.
In case of a fire, car accident, flood, and other emergency or disaster they are usually the firsts to arrive at the scene and should maintain order until official emergency personnel arrives which they then support.