The Ministry of Environment is an institution of the Peruvian Government in charge of the environmental sector of Peru, with the authority to design, establish, and execute government policies concerning the environment.
It promotes the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, the enhancement of biological diversity and environmental quality for the benefit of the people.
The ministry furthermore directs and executes the National Environmental Policy (PNA), the National Environmental Management System (SNGA) and the National Environmental Impact Assessment System (SEIA).
It promotes the sustainable use as well as the conservation of natural resources and environmental quality, the green growth and environmental governance, the sustainable management of marine and coastal ecosystems, an integral waste management with modern technologies as well as an efficient management of air, water and soil quality.
The Environment Sector consists of executing public bodies such as the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) and the National Meteorology and Hydrology Service of Peru (SENAMHI), and specialized public technical bodies like the Peruvian Amazon Research Institute (IIAP), the National Research Institute of Glaciers and Mountain Ecosystems (INAIGEM), the Environmental Assessment and Enforcement Agency (OEFA), the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (SERNANP) and the National Service of Environmental Certification for Sustainable Investments (SENACE).